[Hrtrainingnews] Professional Development Monthly - July 2024

Hrtrainingcontacts hrtrainingcontacts at ucr.edu
Tue Jul 2 08:27:07 PDT 2024

[Professional Development Monthly Banner  UC Riverside Employee and Organizational Development Achieving Results Building Relationships Creating the Future]<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development>

July 2024

[Fire icon in orange]
Headline News

[Decorative image. Scabble tiles with people icons instead of letters lined up in a row. Text above reads: Now accepting applications for the 2024 BCSC Program.]

Building Core Supervisory Competencies

Call for Applications!<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/leadership-skills-development/building-core-supervisory-competencies>

This program best suits employees with two to five years of supervisory experience** who want to develop a broad range of skills and competencies that enhance their ability to lead and engage others.

The BCSC program<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/leadership-skills-development/building-core-supervisory-competencies> focuses on critical competencies such as communication, conflict management, and establishing your leadership philosophy. Electives provide instruction in other leadership areas. All aspects of the program emphasize participation and practice, using self-assessment inventories, discussions, and small group exercises.

Cost: $725

**Individuals new to the supervisory role are encouraged to complete the UC People Management Certificate Program (available online via the Learning Management System).

[Decorative image. Icon of an open book in white against a gold circle with the word Catalog below.]

EOD Course Catalog

Updated for 2024-2025

The EOD Course Catalog offers tools and resources to help you succeed and excel in your professional role at UCR through engaged learning and focused customer service. Download the catalog today<https://documents.ucr.edu/HR-Development/dev-eod-course-offerings.pdf>!

[Illustration of a tree with blue and gold leaves next to text that reads Berkely People Management.]

Berkeley People Management

Power Skills Series and Certificate

The next round of the Berkeley People Management (BPM) Power Skills series is now open, featuring new classes from July 16 to September 24, 2024.

What are Power Skills?

In our ever-evolving world, these non-technical, role-agnostic skills are necessary for navigating the parameters of our unique higher education system.

Power Skills, also called soft skills, transferable skills, or human skills, are skills we must acquire and practice to be successful people leaders. People Managers use these skills daily to enable individuals on their teams to interact successfully, navigate change, and drive overall success in the workplace.

For additional information on the BPM: Power Skills Program, visit https://hr.berkeley.edu/grow/grow-your-skills/development-leaders.

[Monthly calendar icon in blue]
Upcoming Classes

EOD Programs





Franklin Covey's Change: How to Turn Uncertainty into Opportunity (for Individual Contributors)

When we recognize that change follows a predictable pattern, we can learn to manage our reactions and understand how to navigate change, both functionally and emotionally. This allows us to consciously determine how to best move forward - even in the most challenging stages. This course will help you understand the human experience of change and develop the skills to successfully navigate change in the workplace to improve results.

Registration Deadline: July 3, 2024


Free and restricted to All Access Pass subscribers


Focus on Your Talents with CliftonStrengths

Do you ever wonder why you make deliberate choices, do what you do, and are better at doing some things than others? The reason is talent; a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that influences choices and directs actions. You tap into your greatest potential for success through your talents, and the outcome is strength. During this session you will explore your natural talents through the CliftonStrengths assessment which introduces your dominant themes, identifies top strengths, and offers suggestions on how to leverage them.

Registration Deadline: July 3, 2024




Franklin Covey's Leading at the Speed of Trust

When trust is low, people become suspicious, guard communication, speculate, and disengage. As a result, productivity grinds to a crawl, and the costs-whether social, emotional, or financial-increase. We call these trust taxes. When trust is high, people become confident and communication, creativity, and engagement improve. As a result, productivity speeds up and costs decrease. We call these trust dividends. Working at the Speed of Trust(r) helps you strengthen your trust signals in every relationship to convert trust taxes into trust dividends and propel yourself and your team further, faster.

Registration Deadline: July 9, 2024

7/24 - 7/25

Free and restricted to All Access Pass subscribers


Franklin Covey's Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone's Intelligence

Learn how to be the kind of leader who brings out the best in people, a leader who expects great things from those they work with, and who drives them to achieve extraordinary results.

Registration Deadline: July 24, 2024

7/30 - 7/31

Free and restricted to All Access Pass subscribers


Franklin Covey's Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential

Unconscious biases are how our brains compensate for overload which can inhibit performance and lead to poor decision-making. Learn how to be aware of and address biases so you and your team can thrive, increasing performance and engagement.

Registration Deadline: August 2, 2024

8/7 - 8/24

Free and restricted to All Access Pass subscribers


Franklin Covey's Change: How to Turn Uncertainty into Opportunity (for Leaders)

When we recognize that change follows a predictable pattern, we can learn to manage our reactions and understand how to navigate change functionally and emotionally. This allows us to consciously determine how to best move forward - even in the most challenging stages. Change: How to Turn Uncertainty into Opportunity helps leaders learn how to successfully navigate any workplace change to improve results.

Registration Deadline: August 8, 2024

8/13 - 8/14

Free and restricted to All Access Pass subscribers


Crucial Conversations(tm) for Mastering Dialogue

Crucial Conversations(tm) for Mastering Dialogue teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics - at all levels of the organization. By learning to speak and be heard and encouraging others to do the same, you'll surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment. Course content is based on the book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, by Kerry Patterson and Joseph Grenny.

Registration Deadline: August 22, 2024

8/27 & 8/29



Note: a late session admission, 30 minutes after the course has begun, will not be given course credit and may incur program/no-show fees.

Leadership Learning Corner: Hold Regular 1-on-1s<https://youtu.be/U1NeT4ySdCA>

Leaders hold many meetings, but regular 1-on-1s are some of the highest-leverage meetings they can hold. Scott Miller shares some tips on doing regular and effective 1-on-1s so you can surface issues and develop your direct reports into the people they want to become. Want to learn more?

[Hold Regular 1-on-1s]<https://www.youtube.com/embed/U1NeT4ySdCA?feature=oembed>

ComPsych Personal Development/Work-Life Workshops

Our partnership with ComPsych enables us to offer learning and personal enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The following workshops are offered at no cost.

Workshop Topic




Using Reason to Resolve Conflict


11AM - 12PM


Making Connections at Work and in Life


11AM - 12PM


Managing Remote (or Hybrid) Employees


11AM - 12PM


Managing Up for Professional Success


11AM - 12PM


[Newspaper icon in gray]

UC Learning Center Corner

Log in at https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/

[Decorative image of screenshot of title slide from UCLC Instructor Tutorial: Using QR Codes for Attendance.]

NEW! QR Codes for Attendance

Instructors now have the option to take attendance at live events, either physical or virtual, by providing a QR code for participants to scan from the SumTotal Mobile app.

Instructors may complete the new course available in the UC Learning Center: UCLC Instructor Tutorial: Using QR Codes for Attendance<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2fmanagement%2fLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3fActivityId%3d688560%26UserMode%3d0&domain=14>.

Learners may download the new guide: Confirming Attendance via QR Codes & the SumTotal Mobile App<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/document/learner-guide-confirming-attendance-qr-codes-sumtotal-mobile-app>.

Visit our online guides for more details:

*    Instructor Guide to using QR Codes for Attendance<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/instructor-guide#use-qr-codes-for-attendance>

*    Learner Guide to the SumTotal Mobile app<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/learner-guide#mobile-app>

[Email with solid fill]

FAQ<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/faq#i-am-not-receiving-email-notif>: Why am I not receiving email notifications from the UC Learning Center?

The expected email address in the UC Learning Center for all users is the UCRNetID at ucr.edu address. For employees and contingent workers this will be the Business email address listed in UCPath.

If you work for an organization which has their own email domain (e.g., the School of Medicine or Bourns College of Engineering) and you are not receiving emails addressed to your UCRNetID at ucr.edu address, please contact the IT support team for your organization.

Otherwise, if you are not receiving emails addressed to your UCRNetID at ucr.edu address, please submit a ticket to ITS<https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/ucr_portal?id=ucr_home_new&logged_in=false>.

You may view notifications sent to you from the UC Learning Center system on the Messages<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/learner-guide#view-your-messages> page in the UC Learning Center.

NOTE: All communications sent directly from instructors, including links to course materials, will be sent to the email address listed in the UC Learning Center but will not be visible in the system.

LinkedIn Learning

Log in at https://linkedin.com

Empathy at Work

Many assume empathy is about being there when someone is going through a rough patch. But empathy involves more than just offering comfort. It's really about understanding and embracing others while remaining self-aware. In this course, Dr. Carolyn Goerner digs into the subject of empathy, explaining what it is and how to develop and practice it at work. Learn about the different types of empathy and the benefits of fully embracing the practice of empathy in the workplace. Explore key strategies for effectively communicating empathy to the people you work with. Plus, discover how your past experiences and position can keep you from being more empathetic, how to understand better the mindset of your coworkers and superiors, and how to avoid empathy fatigue.

Complete on LinkedIn - Empathy at Work<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/empathy-at-work>


Log in at https://www.gartner.com

Tool: Stay Conversations Guidance and Questions

Amid the "Great Resignation," HR professionals face pressure from business leaders to retain critical talent. HR professionals can use this tool to conduct effective stay conversations that improve employee retention and engagement.

Read: Tool: Stay Conversations Guidance and Questions<https://www.gartner.com/document/4014669?ref=solrAll&refval=413806184&>

[Megaphone icon in gold]
Campus Spotlight

UCR Staff Assembly

Get Involved: Become a Volunteer

If you want to get involved with Staff Assembly, just complete the linked form to help Staff Assembly determine where your talents can be used and what you're most interested in doing as a volunteer!

Become a Volunteer!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHQ47lC7NKKf64bXlAubmjS2C0CZoZVUZa9gju-UtNlkb4Cw/viewform>

[Map marker icon in red]
Additional Resources

EOD Learning Resources SharePoint Site

Professional development serves as the cornerstone of individual and organizational growth. It equips our employees with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to excel in their roles, driving innovation, productivity, and job satisfaction.

To further support your professional development journey, I am thrilled to invite you to access our new EOD Learning Resources SharePoint site<https://o365ucr.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/teams/EODLearningResources/SitePages/LearnHome.aspx?csf=1&web=1&share=EUPkOGM7yzlGm4Yfhtcd5McBqlxt1shd8PSQtQhN4kcLGA&e=B6YMor>, which is dedicated to learning resources and great content. This platform will serve as a centralized hub where you can discover a wealth of educational materials, industry insights, and more.

[InLearning Logo. White text on medium blue background.]

Need training now? Visit LinkedIn Learning, via R'Space<https://portal.ucr.edu/>, to take advantage of UCR curated collections.

Questions? Please contact EOD at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.

Visit the Professional Development Monthly online<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/professional-development-monthly> for past issues.

To receive this and all EOD emails, subscribe to HRTrainingNews<mailto:hrtrainingnews-subscribe at lists.ucr.edu?subject=Subscribe>.

Get to Know the EOD Team<https://hr.ucr.edu/eod-team-members>

Personnel Policies for Staff Members:
PPSM50 - Professional Development<https://hr.ucr.edu/document/ppsm50-professional-development>.

Need assistance with course fees?
Apply for a Staff Assembly Professional Development Scholarship<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/scholarships>.

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