UWP Lecturers still missing Write It?

James J Condon jjcondon at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 9 13:57:47 PDT 2008

   For those of you teaching Basic Writing this quarter:  
   As you may already be aware, due to a problem with an order placed earlier in the term, we did not receive enough copies of Write It for every instructor. I realize that we're already two weeks into the quarter, but if you still have not received a desk copy of Write It, please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss how we can get you one, or pop into HMNSS 1102 and speak to Aline or me directly.
   On a similar note, the University Book Exchange still has (literally) hundreds of copies of Write It in stock, so any students who still haven't bought their textbook yet need only be directed to the UBE. As Write It cannot be placed on Reserve at Rivera, buying the book is their only option. For anyone unfamiliar with the bookstore, the UBE is located at 229 W Big Springs Road here in Riverside (take Big Springs east off of campus, driving toward the mountain/hill, and you'll hit the UBE just past the dorms and right before hitting Watkins Drive). 
   Thanks for all your patience during the rather hectic opening weeks of the term. In other book-related news, desk copies of The Sun Also Rises are in and The Razor's Edge is on its way. I'm sure once these wrinkles are ironed out, it'll be smooth sailing for the rest of the term. That's always the case, isn't it?


Jim Condon
TA Assistant Director, Basic Writing 


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