[Bgsa] Fwd: Please help us support foster youth at UCR and FAST

Breanna Harris bharr002 at ucr.edu
Fri Jan 13 16:46:55 PST 2012

Sorry, not trying to spam everyone. Wendy passed this to our lab and I
figured I'd share it with the EEOBGSA as it seems like a worthy cause.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wendy Saltzman <saltzman at ucr.edu>
Date: Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 4:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: Please help us support foster youth at UCR and FAST
To: Regina Weickum <rweic001 at ucr.edu>, Aaron Stamp <
aaron.stamp at email.ucr.edu>, Kristine Bersalona <kbers001 at ucr.edu>, Wendy
Saltzman <wendy.saltzman at ucr.edu>, Mindy Hernandez <mhern029 at ucr.edu>, JP
Perea-Rodriguez <jpere035 at ucr.edu>, Omar Aldaas <oalda001 at ucr.edu>, Adam
Marentes <amare002 at ucr.edu>, Pauline Phoung-Uyen Nguyen <
pauline.nguyen002 at email.ucr.edu>, Saif Hossain <shoss004 at student.ucr.edu>,
Kristine Kaiser <kristinekaiser at gmail.com>, Ashwin Rohan Sharma <
ashwin.sharma at email.ucr.edu>, Eric Kung <eric.kung at email.ucr.edu>, Bre
Harris <bharr002 at student.ucr.edu>, Trey Amador <tamad001 at ucr.edu>, Caitlin
Jones <cjone006 at ucr.edu>, Gavrielle Concepcion <gconc001 at student.ucr.edu>

Hi all,

FYI...   Please help if you can.  Thanks!


Begin forwarded message:

*From: *Tuppett Yates <tuppett at ucr.edu>
*Date: *January 11, 2012 10:50:08 AM PST
*To: *Tuppett Yates <tuppett.yates at ucr.edu>
*Subject: **Please help us support foster youth at UCR and FAST*

Hello Colleagues!

As many of you know, I am part of the UCR initiative to support former
foster youth on our campus.

*I am writing to ask for your help... and fast!*

The UCR Guardian Scholars program serves youth on our campus who were
raised in the foster care system and aged out of the system at 18 to face
the challenges of young adulthood on their own. We have developed a great
support program for them over the past few years, including emergency
housing, food, and funding; advising and mentorship; social support and
life skills training; high school outreach, etc.

I LOVE these kids and really believe in the mission of the program!

The program has TRIPLED in just 4 years, and we have several folks
graduating this year from our first cohort :-)

Fortunately, others are seeing the value of the program too!

The UCR GS program has been selected as the SOLE beneficiary of the
inaugural UCR DANCE MARATHON for this year AND years to come!

*I am writing to ask you to:*

1) REGISTER for the event (it's *free *to register!)



Here's the deal:

This kind of an event has a HUGE potential to raise funds AND unite the
community in a very demonstrable way to show our kids how much they are
valued here, but there is concern about turn out, so we NEED TO HAVE* AT
LEAST* 100 NEW folks register BY MONDAY JAN 16 in order for the event to

Please note:
You can register even if you can't attend.
You can raise funds even if you can't attend.
You can come out and DANCE if you want AND raise funds!
You can come out and spectate if you want AND raise funds!

(For folks who want to attend the marathon, there is a 25 dollar minimum
fund raising requirement, but YOU CAN REGISTER WITHOUT PAYING ANY FEES and
there is NO obligation to raise the funds down the line).

*We just need folks to REGISTER!!!! and FAST!!!*

I would be very grateful if you would consider registering yourself via the
link below:


I would also be grateful if you would please SPREAD THE WORD by sharing the
attached flyer AND the link above with any and all colleagues, friends and
STUDENTS --- if you are teaching a course, please consider EMAILING your
students via iLearn and sharing this event information with them OR post
the flyer on iLearn OR announce it in your classes OR announce it in your
lab OR  do all of the above!

Anything you can do to help... This event is really important for our
program and our community. Based on the success of dance marathons at other
universities, the opportunity to raise funds and awareness through this
event is HUGE.

THANK YOU for taking the time to read this long winded email!

I can't thank you enough for your ongoing support!

Tuppett & the GS Family

Tuppett M. Yates, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Director, Adversity & Adaptation Lab
Director, UCR Guardian Scholars
University of California
Department of Psychology, #3111H
Riverside, CA 92521

Office: 951-827-4991
Lab: 951-827-4990
Lab Fax: 951-827-5258
Department Fax: 951-827-3985

Adversity & Adaptation Lab: http://www.adlab.ucr.edu

UCR Guardian Scholars: http://www.guardianscholars.ucr.edu

Faculty Page:

*Wendy Saltzman, Ph.D.*
*Associate Professor*
*Department of Biology*
*University of California, Riverside*
*Riverside, CA 92521*
*saltzman at ucr.edu*
*(951) 827-6356 (phone)*
*(951) 827-4286 (fax)*

Breanna N. Harris
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
lab phone: (951) 827-5929
email: bharr002 at ucr.edu
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