[Bgsa] Comments for letter to Biology faculty.

Juan Fraire-Zamora jfrai001 at student.ucr.edu
Sun Nov 23 17:11:31 PST 2008

Hi Darren,

I am sorry for the delay, but I have finally made some comments in the
letter for our graduate adviser concerning improvements in the EEOB program.

 I strongly agree in all the points that were brought in this letter and
really believe that they will make important improvements in our development
as graduate students.

Although, I believe that the way we will present this issues to the faculty,
will dictate how much importance they will pay to our demands and

I am summarizing my points here and please note the suggested changes I have
made to the letter.

 - The letter in many paragraphs seem to confront faculty rather than
acknowledging the deficiencies in the program, thus we need to be more
objective in our demands and what we propose as solutions.

- Some of the demands seem to sound to strong and be biased towards our only
benefit without really making any notice in our responsibilities.  We have
to be aware that any right that is gained comes with an increase in

As I said, I agree in all the points brought up by this letter and would be
happy to see improvements made in our program.

Thanks for taking the time to write it and for summarizing our needs as
graduate students.


Juan J. Fraire-Zamora
Ph. D. candidate
Cardullo lab
(951) 827-2420
Biology Department
University of California Riverside

³And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there
with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to
the promised land² Martin Luther King Jr. (April 3, 1968)

"Sigan ustedes sabiendo que, mucho mas temprano que tarde, se abriran las
grandes alamedas, por donde pasara el hombre libre para construir una
sociedad mejor" Salvador Allende. (September 11, 1973)

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