[Bgsa] upcoming Affinity Zero show

Christopher Oufiero coufi001 at student.ucr.edu
Thu Nov 8 11:09:04 PST 2007

Hello all,
    Just wanted to let you all know about an upcoming show for my band. We are playing Tuesday Nov. 20th at The Gig in Hollywood (see details below). Now, I know it is a Tuesday night, I also know many people will be gone for the Holiday. But think about these things when you are deciding if you should go: 
- Have you seen us play? Well now may be a good time.
- Maybe you have seen us, but each show is a new and exciting experience
- Yes it is Tuesday, but we havea 4 day weekend 2 days later
- We play at 9:30, so you'll be home by midnight
- We have some new songs!!
- We have a cd for sale!
- We will have shirts for sale too, what better christmas gift?
- Tickets are only $5 (I have some if you want to get them from me)
- AND the most important thing, my parents will be in from NJ for the week!! They will be at the show, and they're pretty fun! So you can hang with Mr. and Mrs. Oufiero!

Here is the info. Hope to see some of you there and let me know if you want a ticket ahead of time or have other questions. Thanks for the support!

Affinity Zero (www.affinityzero.com)
Tuesday Nov. 20th, 9pm
The Gig
7302 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90046

Christopher E. Oufiero
Ph.D. Candidate
Deptartment of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
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