[Bgsa] Academic Affairs Officer - CNAS (Applicants Wanted)

Erik Kolb zookolb at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 13 14:49:26 PDT 2007

Hi everyone,
       Each year, the GSA appoints Academic Affairs Officers (AAOs) from each of the six colleges that comprise UCR.  These are paid positions (~$50/month over a 9 month appointment).  I've included the AAO job description below.  I would invite any and all biology graduate students to apply for the AAO position for the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) for the 2007-2008 academic year.  Interviews with the GSA Executive Board will be held on Wednesday, June 20th in the GSA Office.  
       To apply, send a cover letter and C.V. to me at zookolb at yahoo.com by Monday June 18th.  Best wishes,
  GSA Classifieds Webpage:
  6 Academic Affairs Officers (AAO's) 

  There shall be one Academic Affairs Officer for each college/school, they shall assist the Vice President of Academic Affairs in meeting regularly with departmental GSA’s in relation to their own college/school; Meet with the Dean of the college/school she/he represents to foster communication between the students and the administration; Serve as non-voting representatives to the Executive Board; Serve, if possible, on the search committee for the Dean of the college/school the officer represents; Perform such other duties and responsibilities, as they relate to their respective college/school, as shall be delegated to the office by the President, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, and/or the Council. 
To be an AAO please email a cover letter and a CV to the 2007-2008 Vice President of Academic Affairs Erik Kolb at zookolb at yahoo.com

Erik Kolb
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, California 92521
(office) 951-827-3294
(cell)   626-226-7817
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