[Allgsacstudents] FW: Information on Diabetes Virtual Fall Camp

allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu
Fri Sep 18 16:18:15 PDT 2020

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As the pandemic continues to grip most of our country, many of our young, bright students have lost valuable opportunities to engage in research.
To that end, my daughters, Lauren and Allison, have founded Diabetes Virtual Camp as a virtual internship program for college and high school students interested in learning about biomedical research and academic medicine with a focus on diabetes.

Following a successful launch of our "Diabetes Virtual Summer Camp" program in July that gathered 247 registered students with 144 students from 67 different universities and 103 high school students from 37 states as well as 106 students of underrepresented minorities in medicine, we are now partnering with the ADA to offer Diabetes Virtual Fall Camp to start on Oct. 4th.

We have outstanding experts who will lead the 1-hour Zoom sessions on Saturdays & Sundays in October to share their exciting research topics.
This is a free program with suggested donation that supports diabetes research, education, and care.
Please visit our website (https://www.diabetesvirtualcamp.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fwww.diabetesvirtualcamp.org-252F-26data-3D02-257C01-257CJason.Kim-2540umassmed.edu-257Ccc846c47f9c948c523af08d85c05ff4e-257Cee9155fe2da34378a6c44405faf57b2e-257C0-257C0-257C637360528106545157-26sdata-3D9c3g5x3layw-252BWkNxbGXUEVkqf9s8nQc0bjjrC5JAlI4-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMFAg&c=LsLxleeqPm1pgCNn-PN_bQ&r=BUvuT17QL_pIS9eDYliRIoWkCv3Vj4KUhIC8gDPl7YY&m=EN_CFbszWsXZIx_UV8g6dLzTCJVveZmgEDzas8Na2KY&s=Oi8qYs_i8abmMYAfex7JEI22MTbpTWHQr1dyP9jPHd8&e=>) for more information and share with your students on campus.
I'm also hoping that you might be interested in participating as experts in our future programs.
Many thanks!

Best wishes,


Diabetes Virtual Camp Team
Lauren, Allison, and Dr. Jason Kim

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