Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
23f_canvas_instructors | [no description available] |
academic-tech-bulletin | Academic Technology Notice |
Acadnonfaculty | Entomology Academic Non-Faculty List, Post-Docs |
Adminstaff | Entomology Administrative Staff List |
african-studies | UCR African Studies Events and Announcements |
Aging_database | [no description available] |
Ahsgrads | Art History Graduates |
All_students_16-17 | UCR Students 16.17 |
Allchlgradstudents22.23 | [no description available] |
Allchlstudents22.23 | [no description available] |
Allchltransferstudents22.23 | [no description available] |
Allgsacfaculty | [no description available] |
Allgsacstudents | [no description available] |
Applyuc-dev | [no description available] |
APSP | [no description available] |
Associates | Subscription to entire full-text contents of journal for and about Library Support Staff issues. (Approximately 20 separate emails sent directly to you on the day of publication. If you do not want full-text contents mailed to you, subscribe to AssociatesWeb at "") |
Associatesweb | Subscription for email notification of new issue on Associates' webpage. |
ASSR | Amer. Soc for the Study of Religion |
ASUCR | [no description available] |
Atmos-jclub | [no description available] |
Avc-dos | [no description available] |
Avcd | [no description available] |
Bcoeextendedfamily | [no description available] |
BEES-Team | BEES Admin Unit internal communication |
BFASA | [no description available] |
Bfasa-faculty | [no description available] |
Bhoccupants | [no description available] |
Biochem_faculty | [no description available] |
Biocluster-announce | Biocluster Announcements |
Biomed-info | For all students interested in preparing for the UCR/UCLA Thomas Haider Program in Biomedical Sciences |
Biomed_all | [no description available] |
Biomed_grad_faculty | [no description available] |
Biomed_postdocs | [no description available] |
Biomed_students_masters | [no description available] |
Biomed_students_phd | [no description available] |
Botanygraduatestudents | [no description available] |
Botanypostdoc | [no description available] |
Botanystaff | [no description available] |
bphyfaculty | [no description available] |
bphystudent | [no description available] |
Bpsfaculty | [no description available] |
Bpslabpersonnel | [no description available] |
Bpspis | [no description available] |
BSECalternates | Alternate Building Supervisors for Emergency Conditions Information Distribution |
Cafe | California Agriculture and Food Enterprise (CAFE) |
Campussafetycommittee | Concerns about all aspects of safety campus wide are discussed |
can-users | [no description available] |
CARE-Office | [no description available] |
Carlit | CARL-IT South |
Cateach-smi | Pre-Teaching Information for Science and Mathematics |
Ccb_faculty | [no description available] |
Ccb_gsr_listserv | [no description available] |
Ccbseeds | [no description available] |
CDNC | [no description available] |
CDVR_All | [no description available] |
CEPCEB_All | [no description available] |
Chall_20-21 | [no description available] |
Chancellor-news | [no description available] |
Chass-departmentchairs | [no description available] |
CHC | [no description available] |
Chemadminstaff | AdminUnit |
Chicanofaculty_staff | [no description available] |
Chicanograduatestudents | [no description available] |
Chl2022 | [no description available] |
Chla_allstudents_1819 | [no description available] |
Chlall_19-20 | [no description available] |
chlanewstudents1718 | [no description available] |
chlastudents1718 | [no description available] |
Ciberneo | Centre for Integrative Bee Research (CIBER) |
CIDVR_All | [no description available] |
CIDVR_PIs | [no description available] |
Classics | [no description available] |
Clickerusers | [no description available] |
Cnas_all_gr | ALL CNAS Graduate Students |
Cnas_bch_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_biol_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_chem_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_cmdb_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_dtsc_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_ensc_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_entm_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_ersc_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_geol_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_geph_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_math_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_mcbl_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_mtss_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_naul_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_naum_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_naup_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_nuro_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_phys_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_plbl_ug | [no description available] |
CNAS_SA | CNAS Science Ambassadors |
Cnas_stat_ug | [no description available] |
Cnas_ug_students | [no description available] |
CNASEMC | [no description available] |
Corebotanyfaculty | [no description available] |
Crwt-undergrad-info | [no description available] |
CSSD | CSSD Mailing List |
CWgrad-announcements | Listserv for CWPA students, faculty, and affiliates |
Cwpa_faculty | A list for CWPA faculty. |
Dancegradslist | UCR Dance Grads List |
DataScience | [no description available] |
Digitalprint | [no description available] |
Drupal-editors | [no description available] |
ds-undergrads | CNAS & BCOE DataScience Student List |
DSC | [no description available] |
dtsc-undergrads | CNAS/Statistics DataScience Student List |
DUC | [no description available] |
Earthsci-alumni | [no description available] |
Edge-all | [no description available] |
Edge-faculty | [no description available] |
Edge-grads | [no description available] |
Eforms_users | [no description available] |
EGSA | EGSA, Entomology Grad Student List |
ehsfaculty | [no description available] |
Ehsresearchers | [no description available] |
elabexchange | eLab eXchange mailing list |
EM-Announcements | Enrollment Services Organization |
Englecturers | University Writing Program Listserv |
English-undergrad | [no description available] |
Ensc-announcements | [no description available] |
Enscfaculty | [no description available] |
enscstudent | Environmental Sciences Graduate Students |
Enterprisecognos-production | [no description available] |
Entm-beu | Entomology & Botany Undergrads |
Entm-emeritus | ENTM Emeriti |
Entm-help-desk | Entomology Admin Questions |
Entm-outreach | [no description available] |
Entm-pollinator | [no description available] |
Entm-postdoc | [no description available] |
Entm-researchstaff | Entomology Research, Lab, Spec, & Scientists |
Entm_bldg | Entomology building faculty |
entm_facmp | Merit & Promotion only - Entomology Faculty |
Entmfaculty | Entomology Faculty List |
Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship at UCR |
Envisci-all | [no description available] |
Envisci-faculty | [no description available] |
Envisci-faculty-all | [no description available] |
Envisci-grads | [no description available] |
Envisci-postdocs | [no description available] |
Envisci-undergrads | Environmental Sciences Undergrads |
Envisci-visitors | [no description available] |
EOC | Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Staff Information Distribution |
Ethics | [no description available] |
Ethnomusicology | UCR Ethnomusicology |
Exportcontrol | [no description available] |
Facilities-ext-shift | extended shift report |
Faculty-GGB | GGB Faculty Internal List | | [no description available] |
Faculty_s17_1 | [no description available] |
Fallregistrationstudents | [no description available] |
feed-users | [no description available] |
Fire | [no description available] |
FirstGenUCR | First-Generation Student, Staff, and Faculty Network |
Gats_gender_sexuality | [no description available] |
Gats_international_orgs | [no description available] |
Gats_migration | [no description available] |
Gd_chairs | [no description available] |
Gd_gradadviseradmissions | [no description available] |
Gd_gradadvisorenrolled | [no description available] |
Gd_gradprogramasst | [no description available] |
Gd_msos | [no description available] |
Geospatial | Geospatial interest group at UCR |
Gitlab-users | [no description available] |
Grad_student_employees | [no description available] |
GradQuant | Graduate Quantitative Methods Center |
Gradstudents | SOE Graduate Students |
Graduatedivision | [no description available] |
Graduatestudentemailgroup | [no description available] |
Graduatestudents | [no description available] |
Gsa-english | English Grad Students List |
GSAUCR | The Graduate Community at UCR |
Gsoespp | [no description available] |
Gsoestudents | [no description available] |
HAPSS-staff | [no description available] |
healthycampus | [no description available] |
HighContainment | [no description available] |
Hinderaker-announcements | [no description available] |
Hotwork | [no description available] |
Hr-internal | [no description available] |
HRcommunications | [no description available] |
HRTrainingNews | [no description available] |
IAMRiverside | [no description available] |
IAWPgeneral | [no description available] |
IAWPtc | [no description available] |
Iigb-genomics-core | Genomics email list |
IIGB_All | [no description available] |
Iigbcores_all | [no description available] |
inspirelab | School of Business INSPIRE Lab |
International-Scholars | International Scholar Center News |
Iteg | IT Executive Governance |
Its_ei_staff | [no description available] |
Its_ei_supervisors | [no description available] |
Itsinfrastaff | [no description available] |
Laboratoryadministration | [no description available] |
Labsafetycontact | [no description available] |
LAP | The purpose of this listserv is to facilitate communication among the editors of Latin American Perspectives and serve as a vehicle for political discussion and education. |
Latinxsenvucr | [no description available] |
LiLab | [no description available] |
LOGOS | LOGOS Interest Group |
Lso | [no description available] |
Macusers | Mac User List |
Mailman | Mailman site list |
Marc_cohort_2020 | [no description available] |
Mathai | [no description available] |
Mathemeritus | [no description available] |
Mathscheduling | [no description available] |
Mciverd | [no description available] |
Mecmupdates | [no description available] |
Med-Health-Careers | Health Professions Advising Center |
Mediaculturehipsters | [no description available] |
Mentor_trainee_list_2020 | [no description available] |
Mfa_users | [no description available] |
mfaapplicationusers | [no description available] |
Mfadevicenotenrolled | [no description available] |
Mfafacultynotenrolled | [no description available] |
Mfastaffnotenrolled | [no description available] |
Microbialecologygroup | [no description available] |
Microplantpath_faculty | [no description available] |
Mus-undergrad-info | [no description available] |
Nema_faculty | [no description available] |
Net-training | [no description available] |
New_transfers_202240 | [no description available] |
Now_areawide_ipm_program | [no description available] |
Omniupdateeditors | [no description available] |
Orgvpdue | [no description available] |
Orgvpue | [no description available] |
Philosophy_undergrad | [no description available] |
Physics-community | UCR Physics Department and local community |
Physics-grads-announce | [no description available] |
Physics-grads-open | [no description available] |
Physics-powur | Physics Organization for Womxn and the Under-Represented |
Physics-sps | [no description available] |
Physics-staff | [no description available] |
Physics-talks | UCR Physics and Astronomy talks |
Piwrs_coordinators | [no description available] |
Pollevelist | [no description available] |
Poscgrad | [no description available] |
Postdocscholars | [no description available] |
Powerbiusers | [no description available] |
pps-news | PPS Newsletter |
Prestigiousscholarships | [no description available] |
Professorsofteaching | Professors of Teaching, all ranks |
Provost-news | [no description available] |
Radiation | [no description available] |
RCourses | R'Courses |
Research | Research and Economic Development Listserv |
Rgarden | [no description available] |
Risc | [no description available] |
RITL | [no description available] |
Rivera | [no description available] |
Rpa-postdoc | [no description available] |
Rsc | [no description available] |
sa-society54 | Staff Assembly Society '54 List |
Sa-staff | UCR Staff Assembly |
Scotsupply | [no description available] |
Sdmz-announce | [no description available] |
Seminarcontacts | [no description available] |
Servicelink_allusers | [no description available] |
Servicelink_fauusers | [no description available] |
Servicelink_sctusers | [no description available] |
Sfts-faculty | [no description available] |
Sfts-students | SFTS Student Listserv |
Shcc-announcements | [no description available] |
Shoesforcrews | [no description available] |
Shs-announcements | [no description available] |
Siscognosusers | [no description available] |
Six-legs | [no description available] |
Snl | [no description available] |
Spp | [no description available] |
SSB_members | Mailing List for the Student Society of Biophysicists |
statalumni | Statistics Alumni |
StatUGstudent | Statistics UG Student List |
Step | [no description available] |
StudentEngagement | [no description available] |
Studentsnotenrolledinmfa | [no description available] |
Studentsnotenrolledinmfaphase2 | [no description available] |
Sustainability-community | [no description available] |
Sustainability-faculty | [no description available] |
Sustainability-staff | [no description available] |
Sustainability-students | [no description available] |
Teacheredstudents | GSOE Teacher Education Students |
Tech-Bulletin | UCR Information Technology Solutions |
Tfdp-undergrad-info | [no description available] |
Theatreofkerb | [no description available] |
Timesheet_users | [no description available] |
Training | [no description available] |
Turfdiseaseupdate | [no description available] |
Ubpeers | [no description available] |
Uc-accserv | UC Libraries - Access Services Staff |
Uc-slurm | [no description available] |
Uc_mediatechs | [no description available] |
UC_Parking | UC_UCPath Parking Integrations |
UCcogd | Committee of Graduate Division |
Ucopvsftp | [no description available] |
UCPD_ECaccess | [no description available] |
UCR-Bookstore | [no description available] |
Ucr-ev | [no description available] |
Ucr-sdrc | UCR Student Disability Resource Center |
Ucr-va-benefits | [no description available] |
Ucr_it_staff | [no description available] |
Ucr_netmaint | UCR Network Maintenance List |
Ucrcompteachers | [no description available] |
UCRDBR | Departmental Benefits Representatives |
Ucrea | [no description available] |
Ucritarch | [no description available] |
UcrNews | UCR News |
Ucrstemcellcenter | [no description available] |
Ucrtransactors | [no description available] |
Ugareports | [no description available] |
Ugresearch | [no description available] |
Undergradstudents | SOE Undergraduate Students |
Undoc_19-20 | [no description available] |
Uwpadvising | [no description available] |
Vcpb_org-announcements | [no description available] |
Vcsasare | [no description available] |
Vpia_org-announcements | International Affairs @ UCR |
Vpue-finance | [no description available] |
Wellnesscommunications | [no description available] |
Wetlab-ucr | Supports research activity and communication at UCR |
WFA | UCR Faculty Association for Women and other Gender Minority Faculty |
Women_lead_beyond_conflict | [no description available] |
Ying-announcements | [no description available] |
Zhenglab | [no description available] |
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