[Wellnesscommunications] Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

Hung Wu hung.wu at ucr.edu
Mon Nov 14 14:50:40 PST 2022

Hello Wellness Program Participants!
    The holidays can be stressful and may cause us to eat unhealthy more frequently. Below are suggestions to eat healthy during the holidays such as eating a snack before a party, eat slowly, and be aware of triggers that may cause you to derail. Attached is a handout with the suggestions and contact information for ComPsych (our Faculty and Staff EAP program).


Healthy Holiday Eating Tips During the Holidays

There are so many tempting foods in so many locations, it seems almost impossible to maintain healthy eating habits. Below are suggestions to stay on track with eating healthy and be able to enjoy delicious foods during the holidays.

  1.  Go skinless. When dining on turkey, choose a four-ounce portion (about the size of a deck of cards) without the skin. This helps cut out some fat and cholesterol.
  2.  Eat slowly. Plan what to have for a holiday dinner before sitting down. At the table, eat slowly and resist any temptation for a second helping.
  3.  Do not eat what you do not like. If you do not like cranberries or Aunt Ethel's famous holiday casserole, do not put it on your plate. Consuming those calories out of obligation unnecessarily increases your total intake.
  4.  Eat before the party. Do not go to a party hungry. When people skip breakfast or lunch to fill up at a party, they tend to eat faster. This leads to overeating. Make sure to have a healthy meal before party time.
  5.  Pay attention to portions. It is possible to treat yourself but choose smaller portions. Taste items instead of filling up on them.
  6.  Eat mindfully. Take the time to taste the food and listen to your body when you have had enough. After eating for a while, food loses some of its taste appeal. If you are not aware of how good something tastes, you have probably gone beyond having enough.
  7.  Limit high fat. Avoid fried foods, cheese-covered or filled vegetable dishes, processed meats, cream-based soups, pies, and baked goods. Drink a low-fat substitute instead of traditional eggnog.
  8.  Remember there are calories in drinks. Limit the intake of alcohol, especially beer, cider, and cream drinks. Fill up on water or have drinks with water or diet mixers.
  9.  Know your triggers. If it is not possible to have just one piece of something without eating all of it, do not start sampling.

In Good Health,

Hung Wu, MHA
Wellness Coordinator
Human Resources | Workplace Health and Wellness | Office: (951) 827-1009 | Email: hung.wu at ucr.edu<mailto:hung.wu at ucr.edu>

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UCR's Wellness Program for Faculty and Staff, collaborates with various campus partners and strives to build a healthy campus community and work environment. This is accomplished through the delivery of programs and services designed to prevent work-related injury and illness, to provide the tools and resources to improve health and well-being, and to foster a healthy work environment.

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