[Tlc] TLC-new books

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sun Jan 27 08:18:59 PST 2008

The new catalog for University of Washington Press came out
today. Here are some forthcoming titles of interest to TLC

Title: Forest Guardians, Forest Destroyers
Subtitle: The Politics of Environmental Knowledge in Northern
Author: Tim Forsyth and Andrew Walker
Foreword by K. Sivaramakrishna

Title: Making Fields of Merit
Subtitle: Buddhist Female Ascetics and Gendered Orders in Thailand
Author: Monica Lindberg Falk

Title: Thailand and World War II
Author: Direk Jayanama. Edited by Jane Keyes

Title: Traveler in Siam in the Year 1655, A
Subtitle: Extracts from the Journal of Gijsbert Heeck
Author: Translated by Barend Jan Terwiel

Title: Annotated Bibliography on the Mekong
Author: Edited by Charnvit Kasetsiri and Chris Baker

Title: Living in a Globalized World
Author: Edited by Don McCaskill, Prasit Leepreecha, and He

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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