[RPA-PostDoc] CORRECTION: Vote for the next RPA Board!

postdoc . postdoc at ucr.edu
Wed Jun 8 15:18:05 PDT 2022

Apologies, there was a nomination accidentally excluded from the initial
voting form. If you have already voted, feel free to update the form!

Hi all!
It's that time again - elections for RPA board! We have really great
candidates willing to keep the board going (and several open slots if
anyone would like to nominate themselves).
Please use the following link to vote for who you'd like to help plan and
execute postdoc activities for the 2022-2023 academic year:
<https://forms.gle/fJNf9tWjLn4YrfhS8> *
Voting closes next *Friday, June 17th*.

Thanks everyone!
-RPA Board (for now)

*Riverside Postdoctoral Association (RPA)*
Exec Board

Find the RPA Agenda, Job openings & Much more on the website!


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   UC Riverside     @UCRPostdoc      ucrpostdoctoral
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