[Research] Agency News, RA INC and Other Noteworthy News

Cynthia J Wells cynthia.wells at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 14 09:57:51 PDT 2021

~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~

Agency News

NSF 2021 Grants Conference
Missed the virtual live event last week? No problem - the sessions were recorded. READ MORE<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001HUPs35wT4Hlo-C8b_1NRzymfZIHla1frqxZE3piGk9gYeObCqiYzjxB71bdiMMlGw8k1k6m9wgtnF9LzxaMCOEVU7T27AJQ7ufOJMHXy1ihaUbiUN_6GOyGyl4bla7KnJlPRSwFvLYOJ4bIxnip9Vb6jAm7PJziAAn4yURzRILE=&c=ZiQzwhePucoDk-nf7GMpMg3-4xvz9HzGZI0-bl2AB9ZQgXI7rRSd-A==&ch=ycMbgowxO5cLwNCo-ZpxIPRKDRZI6E1FaSQXsJNqpYQyzG9eI-SJNA==>

Reminder - NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration
The four-day event Nov 1-4 will include live chats with NIH experts and downloadable resources.  Registration is free. READ MORE<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0017yI9t_LIbiOv1Hg1MIOGiqHRtOeRhpF2yNqVmSOO8KnXRUADvmT_AMIwv_CaQcDPMoiabN4RCrMzYt5J5IPEJT4WmVQDeiYHnBpVOWmfIu4wFAljkZiP0a-67l2ut5In9EPckMCp4k3fM10Nt0dPxCSSuxxV1HdlB6wIz2a2Vt8=&c=bY9cJ72xuxVsFjl8maec7dD5LudOtlB5hWCrpl_wBCBuRV7f3ih_aQ==&ch=i8CUnt5H4Qnl3ic07C1cpsk1vrRPq_-G1QvwWRbUOB60UXnjBuOo_g==>

Research Administrators
Informative Noontime Collaboration
[cid:image005.png at 01D7B92E.7B467C10]
Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ Connect

Please join Research Administrators INC on Monday, October 18th at Noon as we continue with Part 2 of a 2-part series on Award Monitoring / Award Management.  (Please note that each part is 2 hours in length.)

These two sessions will: (i) focus on award management strategies and techniques for both the central and departmental research administrators tasked with financial oversight of sponsored awards; (ii) focus on what to look for during award initiation and award closeout; and (iii) discuss strategies for how the research administrator can best support the PI during the period of performance to maximize award spending, while effectively managing risk. Furthermore, in this 2-part session will review some perennial hot topics such as cost transfers, subaward monitoring, cost sharing, and effective and efficient award closeouts.
Learning objectives:

  *   Participants will learn techniques for identifying higher risk awards and transactions and what documentation to put in place to support these costs (or when to transfer them off of the award) as well as an awareness of when to ask more questions.
  *   Participants will also be introduced to proactive award management strategies that, if applied during the life of the award, will support an efficient and timely closeout.

To receive the ZOOM link to this meeting, please register here<https://redit.ucr.edu/OrApps/Org/OrgEvents/Default.aspx?g=inc>.  (The link will be emailed to each registrant on the morning of the event.)
[cid:image006.jpg at 01D7B92E.7B467C10]

Note:  RA-INC will be going through this entire Life Cycle of the Award Series together;  however, those wishing to view the series at their own pace,
or those wishing to jump to a particular topic of interest, are able to do so now at their convenience via the new SPA training portal
located at https://research.ucr.edu/spa/training.
(A UCR NetID is required.)

Request For Exception To Policy Regarding Pi Eligibility[1,825 Updated Stock Illustrations, Cliparts and Royalty Free Updated Vectors] - *** Updated Form***

In light of the heightened scrutiny being placed on affiliations and disclosures by Federal agencies, the office of Research and Economic Development is revisiting various campus forms, including the Request for Exception to Policy Regarding PI Eligibility form (which has now been updated and posted on the SPA website<https://research.ucr.edu/document/spapieligibilitydoc>).

Please be advised that as of September 1, 2021, use of the outdated form will no longer be accepted.

Anyone who wishes to serve as Principal Investigator, UCR Co-Principal Investigator, UC Co-Principal Investigator or Non-UCR Co-Principal Investigator (as defined in UCR Research Policy 527-003), but does not meet the eligibility criteria described on the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) website here<https://research.ucr.edu/spa/lifecycle/proposalpreparation/pi-eligibility> and as set forth in Policy 527-003, should complete the revised "Request for Exception to Policy Regarding PI Eligibility<https://research.ucr.edu/document/spapieligibilitydoc>" form and then have their department's SAA submit it to the Research and Economic Development Office via the Enterprise Access Control System (EACS) along with a copy of the applicant's biosketch in a single combined pdf.

Please visit https://research.ucr.edu/spa/lifecycle/proposalpreparation/pi-eligibility for further information.

Questions may be addressed to cynthia.wells at ucr.edu<mailto:cynthia.wells at ucr.edu>.

How To Subscribe to this Research List-Serv

Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research list-serv, but would like to be?  If so, please forward their name and email to cynthia.wells at ucr.edu<mailto:cynthia.wells at ucr.edu>.

[October Newsletter - Chesterbrook Academy][Halloween Word Search - Free Printable Learning Activities for Kids -  Printable Colouring Sheets]

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