[Research] Funding Opportunity: The Climate and Health Seed Grant Program

Cynthia J Wells cynthia.wells at ucr.edu
Thu Nov 18 16:11:27 PST 2021

~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~

Please see the message below requesting applications for climate and health seed grants.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Center for Climate Health and Equity <climatehealth at ucsf.edu<mailto:climatehealth at ucsf.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 12:06 PM
To: Matthew StClair <Matthew.StClair at ucop.edu<mailto:Matthew.StClair at ucop.edu>>
Subject: Request for Applications: Climate and Health Seed Grants


UC CCHE Climate and Health Seed Grants

Hello colleagues,

The UC Center for Climate, Health and Equity is announcing an open call for research proposals that address a range of priorities at the intersection of climate change and human health.

The Center seeks to harness the expertise and leadership of the health sector to drive ambitious climate action that safeguards health and promotes health equity. The Center leads research, education, and policy activities to generate and scale climate-health solutions. This includes preparing health professionals to provide climate-responsive care; expanding the evidence base on the intersection of climate, health, and equity; building sustainable health systems; working with communities to design, implement, and evaluate new approaches to climate adaptation and mitigation that promote health equity; and supporting strong climate and health policies.

The Climate and Health Seed Grant Program was created to support interdisciplinary research projects across the UC system that advance our understanding of the human health impacts of climate change and the climate solutions that advance health equity. Priority will be given to proposals that focus on climate and health equity. Selected proposals will receive one-time, non-renewable funding of up to $10,000 for faculty and fellows, and up to $5,000 for students, during the period March 2022 – January 2023.

•    Letter of intent due by January 15, 2022
•    Full proposals invited by January 31, 2022
•    Full proposal submission by February 28, 2022
•    Funded proposals announced by March 15, 2022
•    Project period March 31, 2022 – March 30, 2023
•    Final report due March 30, 2023

For more information on application and submission requirements, please read the full request for applications here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014hfVFp1LdTxgYhDPhkuMF31kcHhZn6KLWXjW94F5GI4ltnDGDKwvHqRiOwzumRTgaFrRAdStOHVH7oJ1GDXZEcjE2klFaLwbvKC30XIIqf5uQnJ1anyJyH2i7h-HDNFWBxDj9p3WrlLBoBrFeF3fC58Wj3DTJaFT73dAQ4gL_YFvbc-1bUNI3TZAus6tcdLoVofsSomXa--4GVyCHFRBVPG1XMQYncca8cqTKTDkARw=&c=CZse6YjYtO2GOfLEtoCrYTcSdfYBuQi7sDamUUxRYDQtmgFOMFLfiw==&ch=LVizYZNHviA1lKQy1KfQn7_HfIhH6m9JO4QHVJ86zJ-E3DZMG3uv0A==>. Please feel free to share within the UC system. We look forward to reading your proposals.

Thank you,
The UC Center for Climate, Health and Equity Team

UC Center for Climate, Health and Equity | climatehealth.ucsf.edu<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014hfVFp1LdTxgYhDPhkuMF31kcHhZn6KLWXjW94F5GI4ltnDGDKwvHqRiOwzumRTgZMo7ck_aAltjs3POMZS__2ryVzRZM5rloD6vlOUioKlC83pQun1vh1GE2ZY340WKnhHHl1yMhjyLjo9fpDLmNQ==&c=CZse6YjYtO2GOfLEtoCrYTcSdfYBuQi7sDamUUxRYDQtmgFOMFLfiw==&ch=LVizYZNHviA1lKQy1KfQn7_HfIhH6m9JO4QHVJ86zJ-E3DZMG3uv0A==>

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