[Physics-grads-open] Physics & Astronomy Student Seminar (PASS), Wenjun, 3/15 (Wed) at 4 pm: "SEDs and Properties of UMGs at z ~ 3"

Ming-Feng Ho mingfeng.ho at email.ucr.edu
Tue Mar 14 09:00:00 PDT 2023

Hello Physics and Astronomy Grads,

Please join us for our *final* winter PASS talk *this Wednesday (3/15) at 4

*Wenjun Chang* *(3rd year; PI: Gillian Wilson)* will be presenting her
research on Ultra-Massive Galaxies and their evolution using
multi-wavelength observations. She will also be discussing the two popular
SED fitting codes, CIGALE and MAGPHYS.

*Title:* Spectral Energy Distributions and Properties of Ultra-Massive
Galaxies at z ~ 3
Wenjun Chang (University of California, Riverside)

*Abstract: Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are a powerful tool in
astronomy for studying the properties of celestial objects, including stars
and galaxies. Our recent study focuses on ultra-massive galaxies (UMGs) at
z ~ 3, with log(M*/M_sun)>11, whose existence has been recently
spectroscopically confirmed by near-infrared surveys. In this talk, I will
present our SED fitting results of these UMGs using two popular models: the
Code for Investigating GALaxy Evolution (CIGALE) and the Multiwavelength
Analysis of Galaxy PHYSical properties (MAGPHYS), incorporating
multi-wavelength observations ranging from optical to radio. Our analysis
enables us to determine the temperature, composition, star formation rate,
and stellar mass of these UMGs. Additionally, we estimate the molecular gas
mass and track the mass evolution of UMGs, while also confirming the
presence of AGN activity. *

*Wednesday, 3/15, 2023, at 4 pm*
*Physics 3027 (Nebula Room)*

In case you couldn't come, the meeting will be hybrid:
ID : 987 3231 9283
Password : 1025

Now we open for Spring speaker registration. You can sign up or recommend
someone using this spreadsheet

About PASS:
As a reminder, PASS is a weekly research seminar organized by and for
graduate students in the UCR Physics and Astronomy department. Our goal is
to foster a supportive and encouraging environment for students to showcase
their research and improve their skills in asking and answering thoughtful

See you all then!

Ming-Feng Ho
PhD Student
Physics and Astronomy, UCR
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