[Physics-grads-open] [physics-grads-open] New Weekly Student Research Seminar (PASS)

Ming-Feng Ho mingfeng.ho at email.ucr.edu
Tue May 10 09:30:00 PDT 2022

Dear Phys & Astro Graduate Students,

We are pleased to announce the *P*hysics and *A*stronomy *S*tudent *S*eminar
(*PASS*)- a new weekly student seminar for graduate students in the Physics
and Astronomy department at UCR.

PASS is a weekly student seminar where grad students present their research
to practice for their job talks*. PASS is created for and by grad students.
That means no faculty members are allowed to come. In this way, grad
students will have a safe place to present their research and ask/answer
questions from their peers. For details, please check our PASS website

Abstract submission is open starting today. [Submit Abstract

The current program schedule can be found here. [PASS Program

The first week's (May 16th) presenter will be Ming-Feng Ho (UCR). The
presentation will be in the *PHYS 3027* (a.k.a. the Nebula Room) in the
Physics Building (UCR). Seminar time for Spring 2022 is *Monday at 4 pm*.
Another reminder email will be sent a few days before the talk.

Summer session:
Note that we might have a different seminar time for the sessions in the
summer quarter. We will discuss the exact summer seminar time with the
presenters and organizers. We will keep PASS running until there are no
presenters in the queue.

We would be very grateful if you circulate the announcement among your

Best regards,
Ming-Feng Ho,
on behalf of PASS organizing team
(Elizabeth Finney, Mahdi Qezlou, Pak Kau Lim, Reza Monadi, Wei-Xiang Feng,
and Yongda Zhu)

*job talks: the presentations during the job application season (usually
Fall quarter). Before graduation, grad students usually need to go to many
other places to give talks. The way we present and answer questions in the
job talks will affect the job application results.
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