[Physics-grads-announce] PADGA (Message from Tim Gburek)

Jory Yarmoff yarmoff at ucr.edu
Fri May 21 12:29:16 PDT 2021

Hello fellow grad students,

My name is Tim Gburek, and I'm a 6th year graduate student in Astronomy as well as President of the Physics & Astronomy Departmental Graduate Student Association (PADGSA), which serves as this department's branch of the larger campus-wide Graduate Student Association.  As I mentioned at the Town Hall yesterday, I want to invite you all to a meeting of the PADGSA this coming Tuesday (05/25) at 4:00 PM (Zoom info below).  At this meeting we will introduce (or re-introduce for some) the PADGSA and discuss on a broader scale the services, functions, and opportunities that the larger GSA provides and seeks to obtain for all graduate students.  We'll also recap some recent developments and announcements from the monthly GSA Graduate Student Council meetings where all departmental GSAs convene.  We ultimately would like to develop a closer relationship with the Physics & Astronomy graduate student body as well as the faculty, particularly when department-wide communication is made more accessible to students and organizations as mentioned in the Town Hall.

If the PADGSA is something you find you would like to be involved in, we will also be discussing our upcoming elections (at the end of this quarter / early summer) and available elected positions (anyone is eligible for any position).   

Finally, as a bit of an aside, I'd like to mention that the GSA will be hosting a virtual game night either this coming Thursday (5/27) or the following Thursday (6/3), date/time TBA.  The games are undecided at the moment, but this year we have played Jackbox games, trivia, and Among Us!

I will follow up with a reminder about our meeting early next week, but I hope to see you all there!  Have a great weekend everyone!


Tim Gburek
PhD Candidate in Astronomy
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA, 92521 USA

Zoom meeting information:
jgbur001 at ucr.edu <mailto:jgbur001 at ucr.edu> is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PADGSA Spring 2021 Meeting
Time: May 25, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
https://ucr.zoom.us/j/92064510581?pwd=WWVabzMvUGdmWUpVWC9IUVFvaGdtQT09 <https://ucr.zoom.us/j/92064510581?pwd=WWVabzMvUGdmWUpVWC9IUVFvaGdtQT09>

Meeting ID: 920 6451 0581
Passcode: 958977

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Meeting ID: 920 6451 0581
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92064510581 at zoomcrc.com <mailto:92064510581 at zoomcrc.com>

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Meeting ID: 920 6451 0581
Passcode: 958977

Jory A. Yarmoff, Professor and Graduate Advisor
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA  92521  USA

Office: (951) 827-5336, Lab: (951) 827-3537, FAX: (951) 827-4529
e-mail:  yarmoff at ucr.edu <mailto: yarmoff at ucr.edu>, web site: http://physics.ucr.edu <http://physics.ucr.edu/>
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