[Microplantpath_faculty] FW: Valerie Schulte Retiring June 30th

Sabrina A Schuster sabrina.schuster at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 26 16:51:15 PST 2021

Forwarding message.

From: Sabrina A Schuster
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 3:20 PM
To: Darrel Jenerette <darrel.jenerette at ucr.edu>; Emma Aronson <emma.aronson at ucr.edu>; Georgios Vidalakis <georgios.vidalakis at ucr.edu>; isgouhi.kaloshian at ucr.edu; jason.stajich at ucr.edu; Jingsong Zhang <jingsong.zhang at ucr.edu>; Katherine A Borkovich <katherine.borkovich at ucr.edu>; Christine Morgando <christine.morgando at ucr.edu>; Debbie Brown <debbie.brown at ucr.edu>; Guido Romon <guido.romon at ucr.edu>; Jeanette Westbrook <jeanette.westbrook at ucr.edu>; Jeasmin Khanam <jeasmin.khanam at ucr.edu>; Joann Braga <joann.braga at ucr.edu>; Margarita Verduzco Flores <margarita.flores at ucr.edu>; Matthew L Ulrich <matthew.ulrich at ucr.edu>; Sabrina A Schuster <sabrina.schuster at ucr.edu>; Sarah Jean Acrey <sarah.acrey at ucr.edu>; Valerie Schulte <valerie.schulte at ucr.edu>
Subject: Valerie Schulte Retiring June 30th

Dear Colleagues,

We at BMPN would like to announce that after nearly 18 years of service to the University of California, Riverside, our esteemed Valerie Schulte has announced her retirement effective June 30th.  This news is truly bittersweet in that we are extremely happy for her to embrace the next chapter of her life with her family and adorable grandchildren.  However, we are also truly sad to see her leave UCR and will miss her knowledge and presence terribly.

Valerie temped in Athletics from August to December in 2003 and then was hired full time in the Accounting Office (when they were rolling out iTravel) in March 2004.  She moved to Extramural Funds for two years and then completed a short stint as a Contracts and Grants analyst in Computer Science before she found her home at BMPN in 2007.  The rest is history.

Valerie is retiring to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (where the average high this week is 35) to be near her two sons and grandson.  She's hoping to do more traveling once the world settles down. Extra tidbit:  While Valerie won't admit it because grandmas aren't supposed to have favorites, I think she's most excited to see Harrison (attached picture).

BMPN will host a virtual retirement party through Zoom; we will be sending out a separate "save the date" announcement; which will also include instructions if you would like to contribute toward a retirement gift.

Please join us in congratulating Valerie on her retirement and thanking her for her many valuable contributions.


Sabrina A. Schuster, BS, MBA
Financial and Administrative Officer
BMPN Administrative Unit |
University of California, Riverside

Office: 951-827-3814 | Cell: 951-543-5689 | Email: sabrina at ucr.edu<mailto:sabrina at ucr.edu>
Office Hours:  8:00 AM-5:00 PM, closed for lunch 12:00-1:00 PM
Stop by my Zoom Office:  https://ucr.zoom.us/j/8303171506

Drive-thru COVID-19 Testing UCR/Curative:  COVID-19 Testing | Environmental Health & Safety (ucr.edu)<https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus/testing#facultystaff>
Report a case of COVID-19:  COVID Wellness Hotline | Environmental Health & Safety (ucr.edu)<https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus/employeehotline>
UCR COVID-19 Cases:  COVID-19 Cases | Environmental Health & Safety (ucr.edu)<https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus/cases>

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