[Mediaculturehipsters] Please Respond-- Organizing a MediaCultureHipsters Event

Rebecca K. O'Connor rebecca at blueskywriting.com
Mon Feb 13 09:19:03 PST 2006

Dear All,


Tania Hammidi has graciously agreed to entertain us with a presentation. Her
summation of it is below.


I will be giving a movement analysis of the character who plays Valerie
Solanas in "I Shot Andy Warhol," a 1996 commercial film directed by Mary
Harron. My focus in on gender, the representation of masculinity, and
hysteria.  A pleasurable moment will be spent attending to the stakes of
kinship and queer agency, read through a dressing scene in 

the film.   I will also show a few other visual 

representations of Solanas on my computer -- for background info.


I want to make sure I get it scheduled at a time when the most people will
be able to attend. We would probably be looking at the week of Feb 27th or
the week of March 6th


Here are Tania's availabilities.

   Mon -- day/eve 

    Thurs -- day until 3:30; eve after 7pm     

      Fri -- day/eve 



Could those interested in coming please email me off the list to give me
some idea and I'll let everyone know when we're a go.




rebecca at blueskywriting.com



Rebecca K. O'Connor

Managing Editor

Television & New Media


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