[IIGB_All] ENTM 250 Seminar Series - In-Person Seminar Today, November 4, 2024 - Sarah Schroeder, PhD & Veronica Tyts, PhD

Krista M Zavala krista.zavala at ucr.edu
Mon Nov 4 08:54:39 PST 2024

[ENTM250 Seminar Series]

You are cordially invited to attend the ENTM250 Seminar Series

Next upcoming speakers will be:

Sarah Schroeder, PhD

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University of California, Riverside
Talk Title:

"Red stripes and splotches: UCE phylogeny of Phylinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) reveals evolution of color patterns"

TIME: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm

DATE: Monday November 4, 2024

FORMAT: In-Person & Virtual Access
LOCATION: Genomics Auditorium 1102A

MEETING LINK: Launch Meeting - Zoom<https://zoom.us/j/95219063064?from=join#success>
MEETING ID: 952 1906 3064
PASSCODE: 505445

Refreshments will be served in the Entomology Building Lobby at 3:30pm

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[ENTM250 Seminar Series]

You are cordially invited to attend the ENTM250 Seminar Series

Next upcoming speakers will be:

Veronica Tyts, PhD

[cid:image003.jpg at 01DB2AB7.EBFCDA00]


University of California, Riverside
Talk Title:

"Combined UCE and Sanger phylogeny reconstructs the complex evolution of body shape and coloration patterns in the largest plant bug subfamily Mirinae (Heteroptera: Miridae)"

TIME: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm

DATE: Monday November 4, 2024

FORMAT: In-Person & Virtual Access
LOCATION: Genomics Auditorium 1102A

MEETING LINK: Launch Meeting - Zoom<https://zoom.us/j/95219063064?from=join#success>
MEETING ID: 952 1906 3064
PASSCODE: 505445

Refreshments will be served in the Entomology Building Lobby at 3:30pm

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