[IIGB_All] Inquiry Regarding Developer Space in Room 2221 A

Katayoon Dehesh katayoon.dehesh at ucr.edu
Thu Jan 11 11:44:37 PST 2024

Dear IIGB Community,

I am writing to inquire about your need of the X ray developer located in room 2221 A colleague of ours has recently acquired an instrument that requires more space than she currently has, and we are exploring options to accommodate her needs.

Could you please inform us if removing the developer would pose any challenges to your ongoing research? Your feedback is crucial in helping us make the necessary arrangements.

I appreciate your prompt response. Please communicate only if there is a requirement for the developer to remain.

Wishing you a powerful 2024.

Katayoon (Katie) Dehesh
Director, Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, Distinguished Professor
Ernst and Helen Leibacher Endowed Chair in Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
Phone: (951) 827-6370;  Fax: (951) 827-5155

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