[IIGB_All] Computational biology postdoc position @ USCD

Wenxiu Ma wenxiu.ma at ucr.edu
Mon Jul 12 10:26:45 PDT 2021

A postdoc position will be available in Wei Wang's group
(http://wanglab.ucsd.edu) at UC San Diego. Our group is interested in
developing novel machine learning methods to analyze epigenomic data
and discovering biological principles. Our research ranges from
understanding fundamental biological mechanisms, developing novel
genetic network based methods to integrate multiple omics data, to
applying single cell epigenomics to identify new drug targets and
biomarkers. Our lab consists of both computational and experimental
experts, from which a new group member has chance to learn
cutting-edge bioinformatics and genomics technologies. We have also
collaborated closely with various labs and clinicians specialized in
various diseases.

We are looking for candidates who are interested in biology and
biomedical sciences, highly motivated, have profound knowledge of
machine learning and statistics or solid training in other
quantitative sciences such as computational chemistry, physics and
engineering. Proficient programming skills are essential. Previous
experience of analyzing genomic data or developing deep learning
methods is a plus.

Interested applicants should send CV and statement of research to
wei-wang at ucsd.edu. Please also arrange three letters of recommendation
sent directly to the above email address.

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