[Hrtrainingnews] Professional Development Monthly - March 2024

Hrtrainingcontacts hrtrainingcontacts at ucr.edu
Mon Mar 4 12:26:52 PST 2024

[Professional Development Monthly Banner  UC Riverside Employee and Organizational Development Achieving Results Building Relationships Creating the Future]<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development>

March 2024

[Fire icon in orange]
Headline News

[Illustration of people attending a training with a presenter at the front of the room.]

2024 Staff Development Conference

Tuesday, March 26 - 27, 2024

The 2024 Staff Development Conference is scheduled for March 26 and 27. Your conference planning committee, consisting of Staff Assembly, Human Resources, and LEAD, is hard at work planning this virtual conference. Please save the date and look for more information about the conference in the coming weeks on the Staff Assembly website<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/events-0>!

[Berkely People Management logo featuring a tree symbol.]

Berkeley’s People Management:

Power Skills Series and Certificate

Level up your leadership skills with Berkeley’s People Management: Power Skills Series & Certificate. Available now in the UC Learning Center<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/dash/home?domain=14> and available to everyone, this series will provide managers, supervisors, and team leads the skills necessary to enable individuals on their teams to successfully interact, navigate change, and drive overall success in the workplace. Focusing on nontechnical skills, learn what you need to navigate our higher education system, and take your people management skills to the next level. Enroll today<https://hr.berkeley.edu/grow/grow-your-skills/development-leaders>!

[Monthly calendar icon in blue]
Upcoming Classes

EOD Programs





Franklin Covey’s Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone’s Intelligence

Learn how to be the kind of leader who brings out the best in people, a leader who expects great things from those they work with, and who drives them to achieve extraordinary results

Registration Deadline: April 15, 2024




Note: a late session admission, 30 minutes after the course has begun, will not be given course credit and may incur program/no-show fees.

Leadership Learning Corner



Paradigms can impact how we interact with others and how we behave. How do your paradigms impact your behavior and results? Want to learn more? Enroll in Franklin Covey’s 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D338076%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>.

YouTube Link<https://youtu.be/BQimbGgzjpA>

ComPsych Personal Development/Work-Life Workshops

Our partnership with ComPsych enables us to offer learning and personal enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The following workshops are offered at no cost.

Workshop Topic




Avoiding Burnout: Self-Assessment Methods and Strategies for Self-Care


11AM – 12 PM


Becoming a Better Listener


11AM – 12 PM


Stress: A Way of Life or a Fact of Life


11AM – 12 PM


Building Trust


11AM – 12 PM


Developing Grit – Strategies for Success in Work and Life


11AM – 12 PM


Talking to Kids About Violent Events with Widespread Media Coverage


11AM – 12 PM


[Newspaper icon in gray]


Log in at https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/

Updated Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Compliance Training

The UC Office of the President will finalize the rollout of the new versions of the Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training courses with the release of the updated version for Supervisors, Faculty, and MSP on February 29. The staff version was updated last November. Previously titled UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination and sourced from an external vendor, the new versions of the courses were developed by the Systemwide Title IX Office<https://www.ucop.edu/title-ix/index.html> in conjunction with the UC Center of Excellence for Risk & Safety Training<https://training.ucr.edu/> here at UCR. The rollout of the new versions will not impact training requirements or due dates.

New eCourses

Human Resources Management Systems Training

·    HRMS: Cancel Recruitments<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D677224%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>

·    HRMS: Finalize Recruitments<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D677223%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>

·    HRMS: Process Applications<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D678312%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>

·    HRMS: Search Committee Roles<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2fmanagement%2fLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3fActivityId%3d678322%26UserMode%3d0&domain=14>

·    HRMS: Updated Search Recruitments Function<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D677796%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>


Log in at https://linkedin.com

The Surprising Power of Seeing People as People

Seeing people as people dramatically increases productivity at work and in life. Kimberly White, the author of The Shift, explores the tremendous value of viewing and treating other people as distinct individuals with thoughts, feelings, and emotions. She explains what can be lost when people treat others as objects, how seeing people as people turbocharges problem-solving, and outlines three ways to change your perspective about others. Complete the course via LinkedIn Learning<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/the-surprising-power-of-seeing-people-as-people/consider-people-beyond-their-relationship-to-your-interests-15903789?u=26135898>


Log in at https://www.gartner.com<https://www.gartner.com/>

Strategies to Improve Trust in the Hybrid World

Organizations face trust challenges in hybrid environments, putting engagement, performance and intent-to-stay at risk. This research shows how HR leaders can improve trust by equipping managers to lead with transparency and empathy, and cultivating team cohesion in a distributed work environment. Read: Strategies to Improve Trust in a Hybrid World via Gartner<https://www.gartner.com/document/5079231?ref=TrackRecommendedEmail>. (17min)

[Megaphone icon in gold]
Campus Spotlight

Staff Assembly Highlander for Cubs

Thursday, March 7, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

No matter their age, kids are the best and hardest part of our lives. Come talk about it! Highlanders with Cubs is meant to be a safe space where parents can boast and vent about their kids, no matter what their age. Each meeting includes a topic of discussion, a fun craft idea, and a free chat period. Contact Kathy Van Horn to sign up: kathyvh at ucr.edu<mailto:kathyvh at ucr.edu>.

Follow R’LEAD R-Ship Series

Finding Your Career in UCR with Alex Rollins, Brittany Fraser, Tanya Wine, Amy Gu, Hung Wu, and Shannon Minter

Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 11:00 – 12:00 PM

Come hear from various leaders around campus about how they got to where they are today and where they are headed. This will be a guided conversation surrounding each of their stories with time for audience Q&A. Hopefully their stories can help to push you in your careers. Visit: R’Lead Website<https://lead.ucr.edu/#no-back>

[Map marker icon in red]
Additional Resources


Learn to clearly and effectively share information, use appropriate mediums for communicating, and learn to actively listen in our collection in LinkedIn Learning on Core Competencies - Communication<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/collections/enterprise/1~AAAAAAGOzVo=779217?shareId=a0590507-d2ed-465f-82e6-654a8787e1cb&accountId=26135898&u=26135898&success=true&authUUID=erVW2cu6S4ShMD6NSDEBgw%3D%3D> 

Remote Work

UCR Strives to be an employer of choice, providing flexibility in line with today’s workforce needs. Find Remote Work Resources on the Human Resources website<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-resources/remote-work>

[InLearning Logo. White text on medium blue background.]

Need training now? Visit LinkedIn Learning, via R’Space<https://portal.ucr.edu/>, to take advantage of UCR curated collections.

Questions? Please contact EOD at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.

Visit the Professional Development Monthly online<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/professional-development-monthly> for past issues.

To receive this and all EOD emails, subscribe to HRTrainingNews<http://lists.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hrtrainingnews>.

Get to Know the EOD Team<https://hr.ucr.edu/eod-team-members>

Personnel Policies for Staff Members:
PPSM50 – Professional Development<https://hr.ucr.edu/document/ppsm50-professional-development>.

Need assistance with course fees?
Apply for a Staff Assembly Professional Development Scholarship<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/scholarships>.

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