[Hrtrainingnews] Professional Development Monthly - November 2022

Hrtrainingcontacts hrtrainingcontacts at ucr.edu
Tue Nov 1 16:04:12 PDT 2022

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Headline News

The UC Management Skills Assessment Program: Call for Applications for 2023 Programs
[cid:image006.jpg at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]The Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) is a unique experience designed to assess the management skills of current UC supervisors and managers. Participants demonstrate management skills in simulations and activities that mirror typical management scenarios.  They are then provided feedback on their strengths and development areas, which they then use to create a development plan.  The assessment program is held twice per year at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge. For more information (including dates, eligibility requirements, program fee) and to apply, please visit msap.ucr.edu. <https://msap.ucr.edu/>  | [cid:image001.png at 01D8ED10.96DA53E0] Call for applications Spring 2023.docx

Highlander Mentor Connection
[cid:image008.jpg at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]Application Deadline: January 12, 2023
The Highlander Mentor Connection (HMC) provides UCR staff with professional development through peer-to-peer mentorship. This program is open to all UCR staff, serving in the role of either a mentor or mentee. Participants have the opportunity to build connections, explore challenges, and enhance effectiveness as they design their personal growth and career paths. For more information, please visit the Highlander Mentor Connection webpage<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/highlander-mentor-connection>.

Get Fit Mentally - There are multiple ways we can recharge, refocus, and maintain our health. Here are some great 'Get Fit Mentally' resources below:

[cid:image009.jpg at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]Faculty and Staff Assistant Program - FSAP Website<https://hr.ucr.edu/human-resources-benefits/faculty-and-staff-assistance-program&domain=14>
Health Net Wellness Webinar Series, Learn Healthy Ways to Live Your Best - Health Net Series Link
<https://www.healthnet.com/content/healthnet/en_us/health-and-wellness/events.html>ComPsych Personal Development/Work-Life Workshops. The following workshops are offered at no cost:

ComPsych Workshop Topic




Work and Life Balance in a Work-From-Home Environment


1 - 2 PM


Loving...You: Boosting Self-Esteem and Acceptance


1 - 2 PM


The Art of Patience


1 - 2 PM


Autonomy: Strengthen Your Ability to Work Independently


1 - 2 PM


EOD Course Catalog
[cid:image010.jpg at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]Navigate and plan your professional development journey with the updated EOD Course Catalog!  Please note the updated FY2022-23 course fees, and new LinkedIn Learning Content Collections, based on the UC Core Competencies.
EOD Course Catalog<https://hr.ucr.edu/document/eod-course-catalog>

Upcoming Programs and Classes

EOD Programs, Courses, and Classes





Delegation Skills

Get the basics of this essential skill. Exercises and assessments help you evaluate your current skills, easily identify the problems, and quickly find solutions. You'll discover how to develop your employees' potential while getting the job done.


No Charge


Franklin Covey's Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone's Intelligence

Learn how to be the kind of leader who brings out the best in people, a leader who expects great things from those they work with, and who drives them to achieve extraordinary results.

Registration Deadline: November 24, 2022

12/1 - 12/2



Successfully Supervising Students

This workshop will provide strategies relating to scheduling, giving effective feedback, and making your department student friendly. Participants will gain an understanding of what motivates student employees to work and perform their best.


No Charge


Franklin Covey's 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team

This workshop will equip you with the skills and tools you need to be an even better leader and manager of your team. The session will focus on how to get work done with and through others.

01/24 - 1/26/23



Note: a late session admission, 30 minutes after the course has begun, will not be given course credit and may incur program or no-show fees.

ComPysch - Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) Orientation




Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) Orientation


11 - 12 PM


Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) Manager/Supervisor Orientation


11 - 12 PM


If you missed FSAP Orientation, be sure to view the recorded sessions in the UC Learning Center:

*     FSAP Orientation<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D433635%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>

*     FSAP Manager/Supervisor Orientation<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D433636%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>


UC Learning Center Corner
Log into the UCLC learning management system at https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/

NEW - UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination Training Launched on October 17

These new courses provide information on preventing and responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment and what each of us can to do to make our UC culture safer for all. They include a section specific to requirements under Title IX and the Clery Act. These courses contain information on sensitive topics that include sexual violence; if you find that you need an alternate activity to meet this requirement, please contact the Title IX Office<https://titleix.ucr.edu/contact-us>. Note, access is restricted by assignment.

*        UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Non-Supervisors<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D610555%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>

*        UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Supervisors, Faculty, MSP<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D610554%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>

Supervisors - Corrections for Direct Reports

Please contact your department's payroll representative or shared services center<https://fomucpath.ucr.edu/shared-services-center> to ensure UCPath is accurate for any of the following issues:

*        A direct report is no longer employed/working/volunteering at UCR

*        Email address is incorrect

*        Supervisor is incorrect see FAQ for details<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/faq#i_am_a_supervisor_and_need_to_update_my_listed_directreports>

This data originates in UCPath and is pushed to the UC Learning Center. Please note, changes in UCPath can take up to two business days to be reflected in the UC Learning Center.

Need Help Logging In?

Looking for the latest information on how to access the UC Learning Center? Be sure to check out the following documents available in the Resources section of the Access & Roles page<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/access-roles> of our support site:

*        Access Matrix for Departments<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/document/uc-learning-center-lms-access-matrix-departments> - provides details on how to ensure your new hires can access the UCLC, recently updated with the UCPath-Banner Match Program<https://ucpath.ucr.edu/sites/default/files/2022-05/ucpath-banner-match-job-aid_final.pdf> details.

*        User Access Flowchart<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/document/lms-user-access-flowchart> - to help all types of users find their path to accessing the UCLC.

Campus Spotlight
LEAD R'Ship Series - Leading in a Remote Environment
Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Registration<https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAud-usrDwsHNM11b305CCGZl3MOaHLxTmh>

How has remote work changed how you manage and lead? While working in a remote environment provides many opportunities for teams, it also presents unique challenges to maintaining relationships and achieving goals. Leaders need to be adaptive in order to mobilize a remote workforce to meet these new challenges. Learn how to adapt as a leader and manage a remote team in Remote Leadership.

In this session, you'll learn how to be an effective leader and motivate your remote team while navigating change and common challenges. Team members will learn the skills needed to excel on virtual teams, while learning how to build trust, and increase productivity.

Nominations Due for 'Get Recognized Awards'

It's time to nominate your colleagues and peers for Get Recognized Awards!

The Staff Assembly Recognition Committee will review submissions and select up to two winners each month. Each month's winners will receive a gift, be featured on the Staff Assembly website, and receive campus recognition during a special session. Staff Assembly Nomination Link
Highlanders with Cubs: Nov. 3 | 12 noon | Highlanders with Cubs Link<https://events.ucr.edu/event/highlanders_with_cubs_4021?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
[cid:image012.jpg at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]
Highlanders with Cubs - UC Riverside<https://events.ucr.edu/event/highlanders_with_cubs_4021?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside#.Yys3oezMJUM>
No matter their age, kids are the best and hardest part of our lives. Come talk about it! Highlanders with Cubs is meant to be a safe space where parents can boast and vent about their kids, no matter what their age. Each meeting includes a topic of discussion, a fun craft idea, and a free chat period., powered by Localist Event Calendar Software

Virtual Bingo: Nov. 4 | 12 noon & 6 p.m. | Virtual Bingo Link<https://events.ucr.edu/event/ucr_staff_assembly_virtual_bingo_7736?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
[cid:image014.png at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]
UCR Staff Assembly Virtual Bingo - UC Riverside<https://events.ucr.edu/event/ucr_staff_assembly_virtual_bingo_7736?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
Join Staff Assembly's Director of Finance Penni Ebina and other members of the Staff Assembly Executive Board for monthly Virtual Bingo! The event will also include participants from UC Berkeley / UCDC / UCPath / UCLA / UCRRA / UCOP / UCSB / UCSF. There will be two virtual sessions: A matinee session from 12 - 1 p.m. and the evening session from 6 - 7:30 p.m. Bingo typically falls on the ...

Game On! Women's Basketball + Staff Assembly: Nov. 7 | 12:30 - 2 p.m. | Game On Link!<https://events.ucr.edu/event/game_on_womens_basketball_with_staff_assembly?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
[cid:image016.png at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]
Game On! Women's Basketball with Staff Assembly<https://events.ucr.edu/event/game_on_womens_basketball_with_staff_assembly?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
Join us for lunch and the first UCR Women's Basketball game of the season on Monday, November 7! Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m., and the game begins at 1:00 p.m. The first 50 staff to register to attend this event will receive: 1 ticket for entry Lunch: Burger, chips & soft drink (*vegetarian option available)"Chalk Talk" before the game with head coach, Nicole Powell Rally towel Fun half-time activity Pre-registration is REQUIRED to receive the bonuses listed above. General admission tickets will also be available to purchase at the door for $6.00. Lunch and souvenirs are not included with general admission tickets. After registering, if you won't be able to attend the game, please email ail staffassembly at ucr.edu<mailto:staffassembly at ucr.edu> before 4 p.m. on Friday, November 4, so that we can open up your spot for another staff member

Staff Scholars: Nov. 15 | 12 noon | Staff Scholars Link<https://events.ucr.edu/event/ucr_staff_scholars?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
[cid:image019.jpg at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]
UCR Staff Scholars - UC Riverside<https://events.ucr.edu/event/ucr_staff_scholars?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside#.Yys3o-zMJUM>
Are you a UCR staff member who: is considering returning to school and doesn't know where to begin? is pursuing an education while juggling your job? completed your studies while working? Then join the UCR Staff Scholars, which connects staff members balancing their careers with higher learning. We connect on the third Tuesday of each month to share experiences, insights, and inspiration.

Staff Pantry: Nov. 18 & Dec. 9 | 1 - 5 p.m. | Staff Pantry Link
[cid:image020.jpg at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]
UCR Staff Pantry - UC Riverside<https://events.ucr.edu/event/ucr_staff_pantry_2606?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
UCR Staff Pantry Walk-up ONLY Fruit Vegetables Cereal Pasta & More FREE non-perishable food items available to all UCR Staff 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 8 Pentland Hills/RSO Roundabout (Turn left on Linden Street & right onto Pentland Way, near Lot 21 QUESTIONS? Contact staffassembly at ucr.edu<mailto:staffassembly at ucr.edu> Limited to 125 staff on a first-come basis Want to volunteer?

Coco & Cookies: Annual Holiday Celebration: Dec. 15 | 11:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. | Coco & Cookies Link<https://events.ucr.edu/event/coco-and-cookies?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
[cid:image021.png at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]
UCR Staff Assembly Holiday Party: "Coco & Cookies"<https://events.ucr.edu/event/coco-and-cookies?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside>
Please join us for our annual Staff Assembly Holiday Party, "Coco & Cookies." Free and open to all staff members and student employees Wear your most festive holiday attire for extra raffle tickets Play fun games with your UCR colleagues Enjoy some delicious hot cocoa and holiday cookies Other ways to get extra raffle tickets: Show your Society '54 membership pin Bring donations for R'Panty (food and hygiene products) R'Closet (professional attire and accessories) R'Kids (clothes, toys, other child/infant related products) Listen for more opportunities to get extra raffle tickets throughout the event Questions? Want to help? Want to donate an item for the raffle? Contact Julie Salgado at julie.salgado at ucr.edu<mailto:julie.salgado at ucr.edu>

Remote/Hybrid Work Resource Center

As work schedules will continue to include hybrid/remote options across the UCR campus in 2022, we want to help faculty and staff be prepared to be able to work in whatever hybrid/remote option is chosen. Employee and Organizational Development (EOD) would like to invite you to learn about remote work learning resources available to UCR faculty and staff. For more information, please visit the Employee and Organizational Development webpage<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development>.

Topics from LinkedIn Learning:

*        What's Next - Reinventing Work in the New Norma<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/what-s-next-reinventing-work-in-the-new-normal/what-s-next-managing-flexibly-with-remote-hybrid-teams>l

*        Change Management Foundations<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/change-management-foundations-10041380/change-management-foundations-course-overview?autoAdvance=true&autoSkip=false&autoplay=true&resume=true&u=26135898>

*        Managing Organizational Change for Managers<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/managing-organizational-change-for-managers/welcome?autoAdvance=true&autoSkip=false&autoplay=true&resume=true&u=26135898>

*        Change Management Tips for Individuals<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/change-management-tips-for-individuals/change-is-inevitable?autoAdvance=true&autoSkip=false&autoplay=true&resume=true&u=26135898>

*        Improve Your Hybrid Workforce Skills<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/improve-your-hybrid-workforce-skills?shareId=726240f4-4e0c-4f9c-aea7-3999c8b931a4&accountId=26135898&u=26135898&success=true&authUUID=32vXJF3cQsSnsBVTHNg7Vw%3D%3D>

*        Supporting Your Team as Offices Reopen<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/supporting-your-team-as-offices-reopen?shareId=f9237c05-0f96-47d1-9d77-1f91dba7cb57&accountId=26135898&u=26135898&success=true&authUUID=UE9FsAXFSc2BzkAt74MUIQ%3D%3D>

HR Information and Resources

*        Return to Campus<https://campusreturn.ucr.edu/>

*        Face Covering Policy<https://humanresources.ucr.edu/ucr-face-covering-policy>

*        Return-to-Work Parking Information<https://transportation.ucr.edu/rtw>

*        Remote Work /Telecommuting Agreement<https://heretohelp.ucr.edu/document/work-life-form-telecommuting-agreement>

*        Coronavirus (COVID-19)<https://hr.ucr.edu/front/coronavirus-covid-19-hr-information-and-resources>

[cid:image022.png at 01D8EE0B.9E27F7A0]Need training now? Visit LinkedIn Learning, via R'Space<https://auth.ucr.edu/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fportal.ucr.edu%2FuPortal%2FLogin>,
and take advantage of curated collections.
Get to Know the Employee and Organizational Development (EOD) Team<https://hr.ucr.edu/eod-team-members>.
Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM 50) - Professional Development<https://hr.ucr.edu/document/ppsm50-professional-development>.
Most enrollments are conducted through the UC Learning Center<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/>.

Need assistance with course fees? Apply for a Staff Assembly Professional
Development Scholarship. Visit their website for more information: https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/scholarships.

Missed an issue of the Professional Development Monthly?
Visit the Professional Development Monthly webpage<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/professional-development-monthly>.

To subscribe (opt-in) to the Professional Development Monthly,
register in the Hrtrainingnews listserv<http://lists.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hrtrainingnews>.
For questions, please contact Employee & Organizational
Development (EOD) at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.

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