[Gsaucr] GSA Conference Travel Grant- Feb Application Extension

GSA UCR gsaucr at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 13 15:23:56 PST 2007

GSA Conference Travel Grant Application Deadline for
February 2008 Conference – extended to Monday, January
7th 2008.

The GSA Conference Travel Grant Committee voted and
approved extending the deadline for applications for
February 2008 to be accepted until January 7th, 2008,
due to the long holiday before the deadline.  This
deadline is extended for February applications only. 
March applications must still be submitted no later
than Friday, February 1st 2008.   In addition, we
recently increased the caps available for applications
(refer to our website www.gsa.ucr.edu), so please take
the opportunity to present your research at a
conference and the costs paid in part by GSA.

President 2007-2008
Graduate Student Association
203 Commons
University of California Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521

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