[Gradstudents] Employment Opportunity: Teaching Assistant Spring 2023 – Application due 5 pm 2/15/2023

Heather Killeen heather.killeen at ucr.edu
Tue Feb 7 09:18:52 PST 2023

Dear SOE Graduate Students:

The SOE is now accepting applications for up to five teaching assistant positions for Spring 2023. We are seeking teaching assistant applications for EDUC 005, 150, 161, and 214C.

Applications require a cover letter indicating prior teaching experience, CV/resume and any additional documentation you feel is pertinent to express your teaching expertise (ex: teaching evaluations). The online application can be found here:   https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bQ8chvL3nBhlR5A

The application deadline for this position is 5 pm on Wednesday, February 15, 2023.

Courses in need of a TA:

EDUC 005 - Introduction to Education Studies with Dr. Lorena Gutierrez – two positions at 37.5 to 50%

Course Meeting Information:

  *   Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 am to 12:20 pm; In-Person
  *   Discussions are on Mondays start at 9 am and the last one ending at 2:50 pm; In-Person

EDUC 150 - Policy and Legal Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics with Dr. Sara Grummert – one position at 37.5 to 50%

  *   Lecture: Online and Asynchronous
  *   Discussions are Online and Asynchronous

EDUC 160 - Social Development in Education with Dr. Cathy Lussier – one position 37.5 to 50%

Course Meeting Information:

  *   Lecture: Monday and Wednesdays 2-3:20 pm; In-Person
  *   Discussions are on Wednesdays starting at 11 am and ending at 1:50 pm; In-Person

EDUC 214C - Experimental Design with Dr. Soojin Park –  one position at 37.5%
Preferred TA Qualifications: Previously taken EDUC 214C and familiar with the software R (for statistics).

Course Meeting Information:

  *   Lecture: Mondays 4-6:50 pm; In-Person
  *   Lab: Mondays 7-9:50 pm; In-Person

The catalog description of these course is in the online catalog: www.catalog.ucr.edu<http://www.catalog.ucr.edu>.

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