[Gradstudents] SOE Dean search - student feedback

Heather Killeen heather.killeen at ucr.edu
Wed Jun 8 12:24:54 PDT 2022

Dear SOE graduate students,

Please find the message below from PhD student, Ariana Romero, regarding sharing your feedback on the SOE Dean search.



Hello everyone,

I am helping with the SOE Dean search, and I need some help sharing the voice of graduate students. I know we are in finals/grading/checked out for the summer. However, the Dean holds a lot of power in the SOE, and we should have someone who will best support our community. If you could please take a moment today to share your thoughts on the candidates in this google form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvXvqFJYVidMGC_GDF5-4NKAEKtHOzFucHJ0ditJkbwKoc8Q/viewform?usp=sf_link>, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, share with friends :)

Thank you, thank you!!



- google form again https://forms.gle/xxgqBUBHx9RRhDoJ8 -

-link to candidate information https://provost.ucr.edu/soe-dean-search-finalist-forum-information -

Ariana Romero, M.A.    She/Her/Hers
Doctoral Student | Higher Education Administration and Policy<https://education.ucr.edu/higher-education-administration-and-policy> | UCR
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