[Geospatial] Geospatial/GIS meetup

Janet Reyes janet.reyes at ucr.edu
Thu Sep 29 08:56:55 PDT 2022

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all having a good start to Fall 2022!

Our next Geospatial/GIS meetup will be held on Thursday, October 13, from 12:00 - 12:50 pm PDT.

This will be a hybrid meeting, with an in-person element.

If you're willing and able, please join us in Rivera Library, Room 140. It's a large room with tables and chairs and plenty of space to spread out. To find it, turn to the right after entering the library. You'll see Room 140 on the corner of the hallway to your left just after you pass the elevators.
Or, feel free to join by Zoom if that works better for you.
Our topic will be Initial steps for launching an online UC-wide GIS course, presented by Rich Yueh, Assistant Professor of Teaching in UCR's School of Business.

"Learn about the initial process of setting up an online GIS course to be eventually rolled out to all UC campuses. Please also come prepared with some ideas for course curriculum and projects!"

Rich Yueh is an assistant professor of teaching in information systems at UC Riverside's School of Business. He is relatively new to GIS and is leading the online course design as part of an Innovative Teaching and Learning Initiative (ILTI) grant.

We'll also have time for announcements, discussion, and sharing geospatial news or projects. This meetup will be recorded.
Respond "yes" or "tentative" to this calendar invitation to indicate your interest in attending, and to receive the Zoom meeting information from me shortly before the meetup. (Another option: register through Eventbrite<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/geospatialgis-meetups-tickets-422017705317> to receive an automated email with the Zoom information.)
Feel free to forward this invitation.

Hope to see you there, on Zoom or in person!

-Janet Reyes
Geospatial Information Librarian
UC Riverside Library

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