[Entm-researchstaff] To department

Gian Ledesma gian.ledesma at ucr.edu
Fri Jun 30 15:21:11 PDT 2023

Sent on behalf of Jessica MacCaro jessica.maccaro at email.ucr.edu<mailto:jessica.maccaro at email.ucr.edu>

Hi Everyone,

We recently had the EGSA entomology summer camp and one of the high schoolers was interested in continuing to get more ento experience. I wanted to ask if anyone would be interested in mentoring them or having them volunteer. Or just if anyone had any guidance for how to get high schoolers experience. They asked:

"Hello! This is Cory from the entomology summer camp.
I wanted to contact you to get some more details about how I could potentially volunteer as a high school student in a lab or with future UCR entomology programs. I understand if such a thing is unavailable as of right now, but if you have any info on where I might be able to look for that experience or just how I can stay involved with the entomology department I would really appreciate it. I've been extremely passionate about entomology for years now, and any opportunity to learn more about the field is one I would gladly take."

If you could reach out to me at jmacc003 at ucr.edu<mailto:jmacc003 at ucr.edu> about this I can share the info with Cory.

Jess (jmacc003 at ucr.edu<mailto:jmacc003 at ucr.edu>)

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