[Entm-researchstaff] Fwd: Applicant reviews begin July 31: Seeking outstanding candidates for faculty position in IPM, U. Arizona

Rick Redak richard.redak at ucr.edu
Fri Jun 30 10:38:09 PDT 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bruce Tabashnik <tabashnb at email.arizona.edu>
Date: Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 9:42 AM
Subject: Applicant reviews begin July 31: Seeking outstanding candidates
for faculty position in IPM, U. Arizona
To: Amy Charkowski <Amy.Charkowski at colostate.edu>, Brian McCornack <
mccornac at ksu.edu>, Bruce Tabashnik (brucet at ag.arizona.edu) <
brucet at ag.arizona.edu>, burrackh at msu.edu <burrackh at msu.edu>, Carlyle
Brewster <carlylb at clemson.edu>, Carolyn Young <cyoung6 at ncsu.edu>, Chris
Stelzig <CStelzig at entsoc.org>, Christina Hargiss <christina.hargiss at ndsu.edu>,
Daniel Hahn <dahahn at ufl.edu>, Daniel Rubioff <rubinoff at hawaii.edu>, David
Held <dwh0004 at auburn.edu>, David Wright (David.Wright at sdstate.edu) <
David.Wright at sdstate.edu>, DeWayne Shoemaker <dshoema2 at utk.edu>, Diane
Alston <diane.alston at usu.edu>, Dina Fonseca <dina.fonseca at rutgers.edu>,
Douglas Tallamy (dtallamy at udel.edu) <dtallamy at udel.edu>, Ernesto Mendez <
Ernesto.mendez at uvm.edu>, Gary Felton (gwf10 at psu.edu) <gwf10 at psu.edu>,
George Roderick (roderick at berkeley.edu) <roderick at berkeley.edu>, Gerald
Sims (gksims at nmsu.edu) <gksims at nmsu.edu>, Hill, Catherine A <
hillca at purdue.edu>, James Englsih <EnglishJ at missouri.edu>, James Strange <
strange.54 at osu.edu>, Joseph Spencer (spencer1 at illinois.edu) <
spencer1 at illinois.edu>, Justin Talley <justin.talley at okstate.edu>, Ken
Korth <kkorth at uark.edu>, Ken Willeford (kwilleford at bch.msstate.edu) <
kwilleford at bch.msstate.edu>, Larry St. Clair (larry_stclair at byu.edu) <
larry_stclair at byu.edu>, Laura Lavine <lavine at wsu.edu>, Leslie Pick (
lpick at umd.edu) <lpick at umd.edu>, Mark Tanouye <tanouye at berkeley.edu>, May
Berenbaum (maybe at uiuc.edu) <maybe at uiuc.edu>, Mike Stout <
mstout at agcenter.lsu.edu>, Nowierski, Robert (RNOWIERSKI at nifa.usda.gov) <
RNOWIERSKI at nifa.usda.gov>, Orley Chip Taylor (chip at ku.edu) <chip at ku.edu>,
Patrick O'Grady (pmo43 at cornell.edu) <pmo43 at cornell.edu>, Peterson, Daniel <
peterson at igbb.msstate.edu>, Kaufman, Phillip Edward <pkaufman at tamu.edu>,
Reddy Palli <rpalli at uky.edu>, Richard Redak (richard.redak at ucr.edu) <
richard.redak at ucr.edu>, Rob Currie <Rob.Currie at umanitoba.ca>, Robert K. D.
Peterson <bpeterson at montana.edu>, Robert Sites (bugs at missouri.edu) <
bugs at missouri.edu>, Russell Groves <rgroves at wisc.edu>, S. Kristin Braman <
kbraman at uga.edu>, Scott Miller <snmiller at uwyo.edu>, Silvia Rondon <
Silvia.Rondon at oregonstate.edu>, Stephen Cook <stephenc at uidaho.edu>, Stephen
M. Rich (smrich at psis.umass.edu) <smrich at psis.umass.edu>, Stephen Teale (
sateale at esf.edu) <sateale at esf.edu>, Steve Nadler <sanadler at ucdavis.edu>,
Steven Alm <stevealm at uri.edu>, Steven Harris <stevenh1 at iastate.edu>, Sujaya
Rao <sujaya at umn.edu>, Tim Kring <timkring at vt.edu>
CC: Palumbo, John C - (palumbo) <jpalumbo at ag.arizona.edu>, Doty, Rachel
Lauren - (racheldoty) <racheldoty at arizona.edu>

Good morning,
The Department of Entomology at the University of Arizona is recruiting for
an Assistant Specialist in IPM (continuing track, equivalent to
tenure-track Assistant Professor) to be stationed at the Yuma Agricultural

Please see our ad below and at

A commitment to diversity and inclusion is required.

Please distribute this widely and encourage outstanding candidates to apply.

We look forward to hiring a new faculty member to join our welcoming
community and to enjoy our great place to work!

Thanks so much,
Bruce Tabashnik
Regents Professor & Department Head
Department of Entomology, University of Arizona

PS. For more information please contact the chair of the search committee:
John Palumbo, jpalumbo at ag.arizona.edu.

Rick Redak Sent from mobile phone
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