[Entm-researchstaff] Concur Travel Update

Ash Rivas ashley.hix at ucr.edu
Thu Jun 15 11:26:16 PDT 2023

Dear Entomology Department,

As part of the cutover to new Impact23 systems, the project team must complete a massive data conversion. This will require pausing campus activities to allow data conversion and implementing the new interfaces for the Oracle go-live on July 5th.

Effective immediately, please save your receipts and hold off on submitting your travel trip request and reimbursements until July 5th. Any unprocessed items at fiscal year-end will be returned to be resubmitted with an appropriate COA.  Our admin team is actively working on converting FAUs to COAs.  This information will be sent to PIs as soon as it is available.

*If you have a travel reimbursement that should have posted in FY23 due to expiring funds, please let me know so we can see about a potential accrual.

Thank you for your patience during this time.

[cid:803a053b-ded4-487c-b9cb-cb4a92de36fb] Ash Rivas (she/her)

Travel Coordinator & Chair’s Assistant

Entomology Building #167

University of California, Riverside 92521

Office Phone: (951) 827-5192

E-mail: ashley.hix at ucr.edu<mailto:ashley.hix at ucr.edu>

Website: https://entomology.ucr.edu<https://entomology.ucr.edu/>

Zoom: https://ucr.zoom.us/my/ash.rivas










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