[Entm-researchstaff] Entomology department climate survey report

Gian Ledesma gian.ledesma at ucr.edu
Tue Jun 13 15:00:22 PDT 2023

Sent on behalf of Dr. Hollis Woodard hollis.woodard at ucr.edu<mailto:hollis.woodard at ucr.edu>

Hi everyone,

The attached file shows and summarizes the results of our first departmental climate survey. Our committee will be holding a town hall meeting (all are welcome) at the start of the fall quarter to discuss these results and next steps.

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback (hollis.woodard at ucr.edu<mailto:hollis.woodard at ucr.edu>).

Thank you,


Dr. S. Hollis Woodard

Associate Professor
Department of Entomology
University of California, Riverside
368 Entomology Building
Riverside, CA 92521
Office: (951) 827-5761
Lab: (951) 827-5762
Email: hollis.woodard at ucr.edu<mailto:hollis.woodard at ucr.edu>
Lab website: woodardlab.com<http://woodardlab.com/>
Lead PI, US National Native Bee Monitoring Network RCN: usnativebees.com<http://usnativebees.com>
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