UWP Lecturers FW: ATTN: Instructors using Safe Assign

Teri Carter teri.carter at ucr.edu
Thu Nov 4 09:45:33 PDT 2010

Dear All,


 It is very important that you read the  message below, as it pertains to Safe Assignment paper submissions.


Thank you.


Teri A. Carter

Student Affairs

University Writing Program

(951) 827-1453

(951) 827-7761 (fax)


From: Rise Axelrod [mailto:rise.axelrod at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 9:37 AM
To: Teri Carter; Cynde Sanchez
Subject: Fwd: ATTN: Instructors using Safe Assign




Please forward this message from Leo Schouest to all the Writing Program TAs and Lecturers asap. 



Begin forwarded message:

From: "Dr. Leo P. Schouest" <leo.schouest at ucr.edu>
Date: November 4, 2010 8:18:21 AM PDT
To: "Dr. Leo P. Schouest" <leo.schouest at ucr.edu>
Subject: ATTN: Instructors using Safe Assign

SafeAssign is experiencing abnormally high loads that has caused a delay in the processing of submitted papers.

Blackboard has diagnosed the issue (an Oracle memory issue at peak loads) that was causing papers to get stuck in the processing queue. That database issue has been resolved, and papers being submitted now should be processing normally. However, there is a backlog of papers submitted in the last few days that didn't finish processing and need to be re-processed. Safe Assign is still running at extremely high load, so Blackboard is trying variable rates of re-processing those papers through the system to determine how quickly they can eliminate that backlog without negatively impacting performance for everyone.

Instructors can wait for the re-processing, or, now that the database issue has been resolved, can re-submit the papers. Upon re-submission an instructor should experience improved turnaround times.

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