UWP Lecturers Placement Committee - Not Spam

Joshua Fenton fentonjp at gmail.com
Mon May 24 12:50:01 PDT 2010

Hello All,

As the school year begins to come to an end, I’d like to extend an
invitation to lecturers to help with placement this year.  The placement
committee reads AWPEs that scored a 3 or below to decide on the appropriate
basic writing course to best fit the needs of the students.  With your
expertise in this area, we can ensure that both students and instructors can
maximize the benefits in their classes next year.

We are tentatively scheduled to place incoming AWPEs from June 21st to 25th.
We will begin the week with a required norming session, and then proceed to
process all essays.  We are still waiting for more information about the
exams, but since all initial scoring will be digital we are assuming that we
will receive only digital copies.  Access to a computer with internet access
most likely will be required.  Lecturers with experience teaching basic
writing courses and/or those that have attended the AWPE scoring sessions at
Berkeley in the past three years or online this year are preferred.

Besides the awesome line on the vitae that must have some pull for merit,
the hourly rate for lecturer summer work is $21/hour.

If you are interested, please contact me off the listserve at
joshuaf at ucr.edu or fentonjp at gmail.com.


Joshua Fenton

“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and
personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time
as tragedy, the second as farce.” Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis
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