UWP Lecturers more on yudof

cynthiatuell at roadrunner.com cynthiatuell at roadrunner.com
Sat Sep 26 10:27:01 PDT 2009

I'm cutting and pasting this from an email I got through the UCmobilize listserv:


I really like my UCLA colleague's suggestion that we all dress up as the un-dead on Halloween in response to Yudof's comment that managing the UC is like managing a cemetery.


Erica R. Edwards
Assistant Professor of English, UC Riverside
1202 Humanities and Social Sciences Bldg.
Riverside, CA 92521
ericae at ucr.edu

On Sep 26, 2009, at 9:58 AM, piya chatterjee wrote:

Folks! The UC Movement for Efficient Privatization sends a fab. message about  this interview with our President Mark Yudof (paid more than the US president, btw) in the NYT.  What is stunning about it is that when you read it you really do think it is a parody. And then you realize, with dawning horror, that it is real: boggles the imagination or what is left of one's imagination, regards, piya
Shane Boyle sent a message to the members of UC Movement for Efficient Privatization (UCMeP).

Subject: UCMeP So Proud about Mark Yudof's NYTimes Interview!

Dear UCMeP Faithful,

If you haven't yet heard, yesterday (Thursday) our illustrious leader, President Mark Yudof, gave an interview to the New York Times on the very day of the UC-wide Walkout. As always, his timing was impeccable and his comments, well, UCMeP could not have offered a better interview. We wish we could say this was written by UCMeP, but even we are not that gifted.

Please be aware, this is the person who is defending public education in front of the state of California. He is the public face of the UC. 

For all of you who value public education, these facts should probably scare the sh*t out of you. We at the UC Movement for Efficient Privatization, on the other hand, are proud of his flippant attitude toward public education. 

Please know, we at UCMeP will be working tirelessly over the next few weeks to raise enough money to purchase President Yudof an aircraft that is comparable to Air Force One like he requests at the end of the interview.

Let's do our best to spread the word about President Yudof's interview. Maybe put the link as your status message here. Or feel free to copy this and email to your friends, family, and colleagues. 

Yours truly,
The UC Movement for Efficient Privatization 
Facebook: UC Movement for Efficient Privatization (UCMeP)
Twitter: UCMeP

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