UWP Lecturers Protest 9/24

Joshua Fenton fenton_jp at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 13 18:55:20 PDT 2009

Dear Lecturers, 


As a fellow lecturer who has felt the tightening
grip of budget cuts and the callous treatment dealt by the university
on its faculty, staff, and students, I am writing to urge you to join
your brothers and sisters in solidarity to express our deep concern and
dissatisfaction over the unprecedented actions taken by UCOP.  During
these times of economic uncertainty, UCOP has made terrible leaps in
hiking tuition on our students, forced painful pay cuts and furloughs
on our brothers and sisters who can least afford them, and have hidden
the decision making and governance of the UC system, in effect
disenfranchising the very life and blood of the university: its
faculty, staff, and students.

On Thursday, September 24th, the UCR academic community will meet for a Day of Action to demand the
preservation of access to affordable public education, the protection of employees
who earn the least, and the restoration of transparency and shared governance
in the UC system.


I encourage my fellow lecturers to participate in ANY of the
following ways:


Educate Students over email,
I-Learn, and on the first day of class to discuss how the erosion of
public education affects them, their parents, and their communities.


Participate in the Teach-in by bringing your students to the corner of Canyon Crest Drive and University to hear various speakers from 11am to 1pm. 


Join the Protest with UPTE,
representing 12,000 University Professional and Technical Employees,
and fellow faculty members and staff to picket in solidarity.  

At UCR, the picket line is at the campus
entrance at Canyon Crest and University. Faculty may choose to take their
classes to this venue, especially outside the 11am to 1pm slot, to discuss
issues related to public education and equity in California.


To sign up and find other ways to support this action please
visit this website and click on the button: “Join this Group”.



Please be aware that according to our MOU, Writing Program lecturers
cannot participate in a strike and must meet with their classes;
however, we are not prohibited from expressing our dissatisfaction and
anger at the university.  Please seriously consider joining your fellow
community members by protesting when our classes are not in session.  


Joshua Fenton

"So we beat on, boats against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past."

~The Great Gatsby								

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