Lash Keith Vance lashv at ucr.edu
Thu Nov 19 10:42:23 PST 2009

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  Greetings Colleagues,

  It is certainly distressing what has happened to
  English 4 for Winter 2010--and for Spring most
  likely too.  However, students may be fairly upset
  about this as well, and they certainly deserve to
  know more than what gossip they have been hearing. 
  Please post on Blackboard and send via email the
  following announcement to all your English 4
  students.  It is located below.



Lash Keith Vance, M.A., Ph.D., M.Ed
Director of Computer-Assisted Instruction
Lecturer Representative
University Writing Program
University of California, Riverside

Office: 1103C HMNSS
Email : lashv at ucr.edu


  RE: English 4 Lecture Class Winter Cancellation



  Greetings All,


  There has been some fear about the cancellation of
  English 4 lecture classes for Winter, 2010, and what
  that might mean to your prospects at UCR.


  Here are the facts:


  1)      You are required to satisfy the English
  Language Writing Requirement (ELWR) WITHIN 3

  2)      If you do not satisfy the ELWR within the
  first three quarters, you will be dismissed from UCR

  3)      There are only a few sanctioned ways of
  satisfying the ELWR once you are at UCR: passing
  English 4 or Passing English 5/1PA

  4)      English 4 has been cancelled for Winter and
  Spring quarters for students currently in 4 (there
  are a couple sections for students coming from Basic
  Writing 3 ONLY)

  5)      In the past, there were always additional
  English 4 classes in Winter and Spring quarters to
  help students satisfy the ELWR.  This is,
  apparently, no longer the case.

  6)      The University Writing Program’s budget
  has been cut so much that after Winter quarter, over
  1,500 students will NOT be served; projections are
  even worse if the budget cuts continue into next
  year (as is the plan)


  What can you do to avoid being dismissed, pass the
  ELWR, and move on to English 1A?


  1)      Pass English 4 this quarter (Fall, 2009)

  2)      Petition for an extension to the ELWR and
  take Summer School in 2010 (cost is about $900 per
  class now).

  3)  Ask the Chancellor for English 4 to be fully


  If you are concerned about this process, the lack of
  English 4 classes in order to complete your
  educational requirements, the threat of being
  dispelled from UCR, and the overall effect on your
  education, you can contact the Chancellor of UCR
  directly at chancellor at ucr.edu.    


  The Chancellor has control over the budget, and
  people in the University Writing Program are doing
  what is possible given the resources.  Because of
  email filters, you may want to email the Chancellor
  multiple times to make sure your message is
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