UWP Lecturers spring Basic Writing texts

lstrahan at ucr.edu lstrahan at ucr.edu
Wed Mar 11 09:14:52 PDT 2009

Reminder: the spring texts for English 4 & 5 differ from those in fall and winter.  Students in spring need fresh material and new ways of thinking about writing.  A grammar and sentence diagramming book that we have never previously used and a texbook that contains chapters on the rhetoric of argument and readings are the new required texts.  Some instructors prefer to work with the students out of Write It and Write It Review (the students should already own copies and no new ones will be ordered) rather than the new rhetoric.  If you make that choice, we can discuss with you ways to make the re-use of these texts a fresh experience for our students.  The novels and the handbook are still the same ones as for previous quarters.

Desk copies are beginning to arrive.  See Jim for them.  He will also be providing a sample syllabus using the new texts shortly.


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