UWP Lecturers Basic Writing Final Information

James J Condon jjcondon at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 25 11:18:25 PST 2008

     Basic Writing Instructors,

     I just wanted to send out an email reminding everyone of the details surrounding the BW Final. The exam itself will be Monday, December 8th, 8am - 11am. The students will be grouped alphabetically by last name and not by class; lists of which letters are assigned to which rooms around campus are already posted on the door to HMNSS 1102. The theme of the exam is "work," and thus any of the supplemental readings in the Fromm unit of Write It (222-236) will relate thematically to the essay and prompt they'll see that Monday. On the day of the exam, the students are only allowed to bring with them a blue book, a pen or pencil, and should they choose, a dictionary (though not an electronic dictionary). 
     Also, this year we will be submitting the point totals for our classes electronically to Aline, rather than manually writing them in on a score sheet as we've done in past years. 
     I hope the next few days are relatively painless as we charge toward the long weekend and then the final week of instruction. If you have any questions about the BW final exam, feel free to email me. Otherwise, have a great Thanksgiving.


                    Jim Condon

TA Assistant Director, Basic Writing 


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