[Englecturers] Course Reader Questions

Benedict Jones bkjones at san.rr.com
Sun Mar 16 02:24:04 PDT 2008

Hi, everyone. I'm sure that many of you are in the throes (or, as one 
student put it, throws) of grading, but I could use some quick help with 
some questions about course readers. I've never compiled a course reader 
before, so I've been reading the copyright guidelines on the Printing & 
Repro site. I need to figure this out in time to submit my materials on 
Monday. If you can help me with one or all questions, I would be very 

1) I guess I'm operating under the fair use act, since there is no time 
to obtain permission to copy any of these materials. Apparently, I can 
include complete stories and essays that are under 2500 words each. What 
are we supposed to do about stories or essays that are longer than 2500 
words--are we expected to plan ahead and get permission?  I can always 
put stuff on reserve at the library, but I wanted to get away from that 
and have everything all in one place for a change.

2) Can a chapter in a scholarly book be considered a complete essay? (Of 
course, not many such chapters are under 2500 words...)

3) What about reprints of works that were originally written before 
copyright laws? I'm thinking here of stuff like fairy tales from Andrew 
Lang or Grimm, but from a modern volume published in the last decade or 
so. Is that stuff out of copyright, or do I have to worry about fair use?

4) How long does it usually take to get the readers? I want to drop off 
my materials on Monday, March 17, and I need them to be available in two 
weeks, by the first day of spring quarter. I couldn't find any info on 
the Printing & Repro site about turnaround, or maybe I missed it.

Thanks in advance,
Benedict Jones

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