[Englecturers] FW: [Staff] UCPD Crime Prevention Tips

Susan Brown susan.brown at ucr.edu
Fri Mar 14 16:14:08 PDT 2008




TO: UCR Faculty & Staff


RE: Crime Prevention Tips 


Recently, a few UCR faculty and staff have reported that their personal
items were stolen from classrooms and work areas. Based upon these reports,
the UCR Police Department recommends the following crime prevention tips:

*        Do not leave money, jewelry, or valuables in your work sites. Try
keeping them out of sight.

*        Refrain from leaving valuables such as briefcases, backpacks or
laptops unattended in communal areas.

*        Be mindful of visitors or strangers entering your workspace area.

*        Valuable items like laptops and cellular phones have serial numbers
which can be entered law enforcement data bases to help with future
identification.  Take note of these serial numbers now. 

The UCR Police Department also asks that if someone behaves or acts in a
criminally suspicious manner, please call the police.




University of California - Riverside Police Department



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