[Englecturers] Job Description of our Eventual Boss

cynthiatuell at adelphia.net cynthiatuell at adelphia.net
Fri Sep 22 17:39:10 PDT 2006

Dear colleagues, I am pasting below the announcement of the job description for the new Director of the Writing Program at UCR currently being searched. Thought you'd be interested, if you haven't seen it.

In solidarity,
Cynthia Tuell

Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce a national search has begun for the Director, University Writing Program.  In May, English Professor George Haggerty agreed to chair the following search committee:
Jan B. Blacher (Professor, Education)
Scott N. Currie (Associate Professor, Cell Biology and Neuroscience)
Andrew J. Grosovsky (Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education)
George E. Haggerty, Chair (Professor, English)
Charles P. Siewert (Professor, Philosophy)
Maurya Simon (Professor, Creative Writing)
Ivan Strenski (Professor, Religious Studies)
Michael Paul Wong (Director, Learning Center)
Marlene Zuk (Professor, Biology) 
I invite you to review the following job advertisement and to contact the search committee for further information.
Ellen A. Wartella
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
University of California, Riverside
4148 Hinderaker Hall
Riverside, CA 92521

Director, University Writing Program and Professor.  Tenured appointment level and salary commensurate with experience.
UCR Writing Program Center, University of California, Riverside, California

The University of California, Riverside, seeks to hire an associate or full professor to develop and direct the University Writing Program.  We are seeking a senior academic leader who will have overall responsibility for the promotion and development of campus writing programs.  The successful candidate will hold a faculty appointment in the academic department of his or her discipline.  The position is effective July 1, 2007.
The successful candidate should have the necessary skills and experience to create and oversee a complex writing program.  Responsibilities will include: working with writing faculty to design a writing-across-the-disciplines program; developing a comprehensive pedagogy and training program for graduate students and lecturers who teach writing; advising on computer-assisted instruction in the classroom; developing and overseeing a writing center that provides trained one-on-one tutoring, small writing workshops, and other support services for students across campus, including those students who have special difficulties writing in English.   Experience with program assessment will be useful, for the Director will oversee an initial assessment project and subsequent periodic assessments of the writing program.  Experience with grant-writing will also be useful. Ability to work with faculty in a wide range of science, social science, humanities, and arts disciplines is required.
UCR has the most diverse student body of any in the UC system.  Located sixty miles from Los Angeles and similar distance from the Orange County coast, UCR draws students who represent a cross-section of the state’s diverse population. The campus presently teaches over ten thousand students in as many as five hundred writing classes per year.  The writing program is large and complex, with an annual instructional cost of more than three million dollars.  The program includes ladder faculty, senior and part-time lecturers, and teaching assistants.  The director will lead this diverse group and work to build a series of common goals and aspirations.
Applicants should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, description and elaboration of relevant experience, select publications, a brief statement on his/her vision on leading a successful writing program, and the names and addresses of at least three professional references to:

Professor George E. Haggerty, Chair
University Writing Program Search Committee
c/o Felecia Wilson
Offices of the Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Hinderaker Hall, Room 4148
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA  92521
Review of applications will begin November 1, 2006 and will continue until the position is filled
The University of California, Riverside is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

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