[Englecturers] FW: final exam notice-Basic Writing Instructors

Susan Brown susan.brown at ucr.edu
Wed Nov 29 12:59:25 PST 2006

***Attention Basic Writing/ELWR Instructors*****

  Hello, everyone!

Finals week is approaching and we want to remind 
everyone of what our responsibilities will be 
that week.  Because the basic writing program 
uses a committee-graded final exam, we have to 
administer and score the exams as a group.  This 
may sound complex and time consuming but it will 
not entail any more work on your part than a 
final would for any other composition class.  The 
difference is that we have to coordinate our 
efforts and this means that some of the tasks 
have to be done at a set time and place.

The exam time and day will be the same for all of 
us-Monday, December 11 from 8-11 a.m.  In your 
mailbox today you will find a schedule telling 
you which exam room you will be in charge of.  In 
addition to administering the exam, we will all 
have to meet for a norming session, usually about 
an hour long, where we will go over the exam and 
some sample responses in an effort to ensure that 
we score all exams using the same 
criteria.  After the norming session, you will be 
responsible for grading the same number of exams 
as you have basic writing students-approximately 
21 for each section you teach.  We ask that, 
because you will not be marking your own 
students' exams, you do all grading in the 
WRC.  You will find in your mailbox a schedule 
indicating the times the WRC will be open for 
grading as well as the deadlines for submitting 
scores.  In addition to the set times listed on 
the schedule, one of us will keep the WRC open on 
Monday and Tuesday evening if anyone wishes to 
stay late. Finals week is busy for everyone and 
we will do our best to make this process as convenient as possible for all.

Thanks to all of you for a smooth and productive 
quarter.  We look forward to seeing you on the 11th.


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