[CW-Grad] Golden Mean Players, Winter Line-Up

Allen Ivers iversallen0 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 14:53:34 PST 2011

We've been working tirelessly over here to get the new season of Golden
Mean lined up, and we've finally got it.

1. We'll be doing our signature 48 hour play challenge next quarter, and we
need writers and directors. It'll be taking place January 11-13. The
auditions would be the night of the 11th, the writers are given their casts
and 24 hours to write a 10-page play using nothing but those actors and a
preset theme. Those actors then take the play and have 24 hours to prepare
for a fully-staged performance on the 13th. If you're interested in writing
or directing a piece for us, please let me know at aiver001 at student.ucr.edu

Auditions will be held in Humanities 411, at 630 PM. Come on down.

3. On that same day, we will also be casting for an improv troupe, that
will be doing a performance on January 20th. If you're interested in doing
that, come on down!

3. Lastly, we are eagerly setting up a Musical Revue! Performers would
select a song, have all break to prepare it, and then bring it to the
auditions on January 9th. They will be performing these songs on the 21st
for a packed audience. If you have any questions about this, please contact
Jasmine Monroe at  jasmine.monroe at email.ucr.edu.

Thank you for a fun first quarter!

Allen Ivers
Artistic Director
Golden Mean Theater
University of California, Riverside
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