[CW-Grad] The Second 262 002 from Prof. Jayme

Robin Russin robin.russin at ucr.edu
Wed Sep 1 12:56:48 PDT 2010

Dear All:
Due to the heavy demand for the Graduate Fiction Workshop (262) this fall, as noted there will be a second section added.  This second section will be for those students for whom fiction is a secondary emphasis.  Those secondary-emphasis students currently enrolled in my 262 will be moved into the new 262, which will be taught by novelist Charmaine Craig, who is a fantastic writer and teacher of writing.  Craig's workshop will meet on Tuesdays, from 2:10 to 5:00, in HMNSS 1502.  We hope that this change will not inconvenience anyone too terribly.
The change is also occurring so that current fiction-emphasis students can enroll in my 262 section.  Presently, there are a number of such students needing to take this course, but who can't because it is full.  As this is their primary course of study, I feel that it is imperative that they be allowed to take this course with their fiction-emphasis colleagues.
In the event that there are secondary-emphasis students still wanting to take my 262 section, these students will be considered if there is room in the class, and upon instructor approval.
I appreciate everyone's understanding and flexibility in this matter.  
Thank you,
Michael Jayme

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