[CW-Grad] The Coming Out Monologues

Melissa Harkness mhark001 at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 28 11:38:02 PDT 2010

Hello all,

Below is the info about The Coming Out Monologues I received from S.R.
Mishler, who is the contact person if you have any more questions:
smish002 at ucr.edu.

This is a great opportunity if you have a personal experience with coming
out to be heard.


The Coming Out Monologues

We are sponsored by Queer Alliance (QA), the main student organization at
the LGBT Resource Center, and 2011 is going to be our fifth annual
performance. It is voluntary donation only, no one gets kicked out if they
can't make a donation, and all money raised goes to a designated student

The performance dates this year are *APRIL 14* and* 15th,* *2011*. The
location will most likely be INTN 1020, but we still need to finalize that.

For monologues, the rules are:

1. Must be true. We will honor people's wishes to be anonymous as much as

2. 3-4 page absolute maximum

3. *DEADLINE* is *JANUARY 10th* this year. The email to submit is
coming.out.ucr at gmail.com

4. You do not have to identify as LGBT, etc. or any other particular letter
of the alphabet to write a monologue or come to the performances.
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