[Cwgrad-announcements] Updates, we want your (professional success) updates...

rrussin at ucr.edu rrussin at ucr.edu
Wed Jun 10 22:04:45 PDT 2009

Hi all--

If you have new items for the MFA website, please send them to Christina at

chrisy at ucr.edu

AND to Adrienne at

Adrienne.thomas at ucr.edu

Put something like "MFA success update (YOUR NAME HERE)" as the subject header. Do NOT literally write "Your Name Here," however...no wiseacres.

This isn't just for the website. The MFA will be under external review this coming fall. We need your updates for this review as well: any and all professional successes you've had in your field, including teaching positions, editorial work, production jobs, etc.

Also, please keep us updated over the summer with any professional news, and pass this along to any grads who you know for some reason are not on the listserv.



Robin Russin
Associate Professor & Acting Chair
Department of Theatre
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
(951) 827-2707
(213) 949-1061 cel
robin.russin at ucr.edu

"If I look confused it's because I'm thinking." -- Samuel Goldwyn

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