[Cwgrad-announcements] work opportunity for a graduating student!!

Robin Russin robin.russin at ucr.edu
Fri Apr 10 10:02:59 PDT 2009

Yo-- teaching job ahoy--

Begin forwarded message:

From: <erithj at ucr.edu>
Date: April 10, 2009 10:01:31 AM PDT
To: rrussin at ucr.edu, rickerby at ucr.edu, eric.barr at ucr.edu
Subject: work opportunity for a student

This information from Kim Ussery -

On an unrelated topic, my middle school will be flying a drama teacher
position this year. These are pretty rare (especially with all the pink
slips getting issued in California) so if you have any students
graduating with an English credential or a multiple subject credential
you should tell them. My district is Desert Sands Unified, my school is
John Glenn Middle. Feel free to give my email out if anyone wants follow
up information. I'm afraid that we will loose our drama program if we
aren't proactive. Our old teacher, who was spectacular, is moving on to
the new high school.

Erith Jaffe-Berg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Theatre
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
(951) 827-4418
erithj at ucr.edu

Robin Russin
Associate Professor & Acting Chair
Department of Theatre
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
(951) 827-2707
(213) 949-1061 cel
robin.russin at ucr.edu

"If I look confused it's because I'm thinking." -- Samuel Goldwyn

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