[Cwgrad-announcements] Brenda and her amazingness!

Alexis Vergalla alexis.vergalla at gmail.com
Sat May 24 09:33:00 PDT 2008

We love Brenda, and so does the Mellon Workshop!
Check it out:

Brenda Varda's Mellon Workshop grant was approved this week -  *Convergence
of Cultures: Scientific Realms and Creative Production -  *and we welcome
additional participants in this year-long research and composition exercise
that crosses the campus divides, looking at creative opportunities that
investigate the borderlands between science and the arts*.*  (Much thanks to
Rickerby Hinds for comments and helping to get this through!)

BV: *" Creative Writing students in all genres are welcome and encouraged to
attend and participate since this is a project that could coincide with your
seminar work in some way.  We're especially interested in presentations,
proposals, and creative work (whether poems, plays, CNF, or fiction --- or
performance art, dance, or music) that can come about by the end of the year
as a result of this investigation."*   Please email for more info… (
bvarda at yahoo.com)

Faculty members include Rickerby, Tom Lutz, Renee Coloumbe, Derek Burill,
Linda Walling, Haibo Yu – and graduate students thus far include Anna
Gamboa, Hannah Schwartz, Gene Kafka, and BV.

Participants – both grad and faculty – meet once a month for
lunch/discussion, and there were also be a lecture series.  Speakers
tentatively include Carl Djerassi (Stanford: playwright, novelist and one of
the creators of 'the pill') and Antonio Damasio (USC's Brain and Creativity
research institute.)  Others might include Sue Ellen Case, K.C. Cole – and
practical 'scientist-artists' such as Larry Bridges and David Knight.  We're
open to suggestion!

The Groups that were funded this year

-J. Tobias et al., Affect, Technicity, Ethics III: Play, Period

-J. Childers et al., The Global 19th Century
-J. Ganim et al., Medieval Culture and Postmodern Legacies

-R. Hinds, B. Varda, et al., Convergence of Cultures: Scientific Realms and
Creative Production

-T. Yamamoto et al., Asian/American Literary and Cultural Studies in the
21st Century
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