[Cwgrad-announcements] Great MFA get-together!

rickerby at ucr.edu rickerby at ucr.edu
Wed Mar 12 09:47:30 PDT 2008


Thanks for pulling this thing together man (and for ordering the great weather), I was great to see
the MFA's outside of class/or class-like settings. I believe that these type of events will help to
strengthen our program and department.


---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:43:32 -0700 (PDT)
>From: <rrussin at ucr.edu>  
>Subject: [Cwgrad-announcements] Great MFA get-together!  
>To: cwgrad-announcements at lists.ucr.edu, chuck.whitney at ucr.edu, eric.barr at ucr.edu,
tracey.scholtemeyer at ucr.edu, melisa.vicario at ucr.edu, paul.richardson at ucr.edu, mary.longtin at ucr.edu,
michael.molinar at ucr.edu
>Hi, everyone--
>What a lovely evening! So good to see old friends and new
>acquaintances. Almost all the MFA faculty and students showed
>up, and almost everyone brought good news, whether
>publications, productions, awards or simply finishing work and
>wrapping up this exceptionally demanding quarter. Strangely
>enough, at the end there was still some food and wine left.
>What's up with that, people? Capote turns in his grave.
>Not to worry, however. The remains were quickly scavenged by
>buzzards. I mean, starving actors.
>Thanks to Eric and Chuck for underwriting this event, and to
>our staff, Tracey, Melisa, Mary, Paul and Michael for setting
>it up. Thanks also to Goldberry for interrupting her class and
>bringing her poets along.
>For those who couldn't make this shindig, one of our MFAs has
>kindly offered her home in Riverside for the next one in
>Spring quarter. I understand there's even a pool, so start
>your sit-ups now.
>Robin Russin
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Theatre
>University of California, Riverside
>Riverside, CA 92521
>(951) 827-2707
>(213) 949-1061 cel
>robin.russin at ucr.edu
>"Ineluctable modality of the visible: at least that if no more, thought through my eyes." 
>"-- Mrkgnao! the cat cried." 
> -- J. Joyce
>Cwgrad-announcements mailing list
>Cwgrad-announcements at lists.ucr.edu
Rickerby Hinds
Assistant Professor, Playwriting
University of California, Riverside 
Department of Theatre


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