[Cwgrad-announcements] Great MFA get-together!

rrussin at ucr.edu rrussin at ucr.edu
Wed Mar 12 09:43:32 PDT 2008

Hi, everyone--

What a lovely evening! So good to see old friends and new
acquaintances. Almost all the MFA faculty and students showed
up, and almost everyone brought good news, whether
publications, productions, awards or simply finishing work and
wrapping up this exceptionally demanding quarter. Strangely
enough, at the end there was still some food and wine left.
What's up with that, people? Capote turns in his grave.

Not to worry, however. The remains were quickly scavenged by
buzzards. I mean, starving actors.

Thanks to Eric and Chuck for underwriting this event, and to
our staff, Tracey, Melisa, Mary, Paul and Michael for setting
it up. Thanks also to Goldberry for interrupting her class and
bringing her poets along.

For those who couldn't make this shindig, one of our MFAs has
kindly offered her home in Riverside for the next one in
Spring quarter. I understand there's even a pool, so start
your sit-ups now.



Robin Russin
Assistant Professor
Department of Theatre
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
(951) 827-2707
(213) 949-1061 cel
robin.russin at ucr.edu

"Ineluctable modality of the visible: at least that if no more, thought through my eyes." 

"-- Mrkgnao! the cat cried." 

 -- J. Joyce

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